1: Quidditch

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Little notice: I went back and edited it so now Al and Scorp are in their sixth year. Sorry.


Warm breath mingled in the crisp fall air, swirling as the two boys breathed in and out. The game was about to start and they were at the end of the line of the anxiously waiting players, jumping and skipping to keep warm.

"Ready?" Al asked, smiling wildly at Scorp.

"Not really." Alternative to Al's endless buckets of energy, Scorpius looked like he was about to puke. He should not have eaten those bacon omelets for breakfast.

"Hey," Al placed a hand on Scorp's shoulder and pretended not to notice the blush that appeared. "You fall and I'll catch you. Got that?"

Scorpius nodded, realizing Albus' sudden serious tone, and the boys would've stayed in that position for hours if the announcer hadn't yelled out, "Gryffindor versus Slytherin! First Quidditch of the season! Are you reeeeaaady?"

The crowd outside roared and the Gryffindor team started jogging out, their brooms bouncing at their sides. Albus clapped Scorp on the shoulder, before the both of them ran out into the autumn sun, a hopeful expression on their faces.

Meanwhile, Rose Weasley sat up in the audience on the Gryffindor side, blowing warm air into her mittened hands and nervously glancing at the players moving out onto the field. Lily Potter sat beside her, just beginning her fourth year, with a wicked smile on her face. She looked at Rose's anxious expression and cheerfully exclaimed, "Don't worry, if Scorp or Al fall, the other will catch them."

Rose smirked to herself, she knew they would. The hopeless idiots would do anything for each other. Most sixteen year old boys were unknowing when it came to crushes, but these boys were just plain clueless. They danced around their true feelings for the whole year, both of them neither asking out a girl or boy. They were forever claiming to be "just friends", but those blushes or the way they cuddled wasn't just coincidental.

No way.

A Malfoy had made it into the Gryffindor house, surely two boys from
rivaling families could date. Right?

As Rose thought to herself, the game had already started and Scorpius and Albus were hovering a dangerous amount of feet in the air. Rose bit her lip and clenched the fabric of her skirt, knowing that the boys wouldn't appreciate it if she yelled "Be careful!" right now. Her eyes darted from side to side as they moved across the field, muttering curse words to herself as one of the boys dipped sharply or turned fast.

Meanwhile, Albus was having the time of his life. The way Catchers had to dive and fight for the ball, he absolutely adored that. The adrenaline rush he got was what Albus lived for and he found himself practicing tight moves during the off seasons just to relive it. The post of Seeker was much more something Scorp would do; keeping away from everyone, scouting for stuff, and ending with that one burst of energy as he won the game for them all, which Al knew he would. It was true that Albus's dad, one of the best seekers of all time, was slightly disappointed that his own son hadn't been one, but he was always interested in how Scorpius was doing. Then, when Al had admitted to his dad that he had a crush on Scorp, it just made it worse. Harry was now the #1 fan of their relationship.

As Albus was thinking about all this, he couldn't help but get distracted and a particularly burly Slytherin player saw the chance and took it. His face curled up into a feral grin, his yellowing teeth smiling, as he rammed into Al's broomstick and grabbed the quaffle. For a second, Al precariously wobbled around on his broomstick, his sweaty palms clasping onto the wood, before toppling completely. Red and gold colors bled before his eyes as he flew past Gryffindor banners and, as soon as his brain began to function again, he yelled out, "Scorpius!"

Scorpius had been looking around the vast field and sky, vying to see a flash of gold before the Slytherin player, when he heard a shout from across the field. Someone yelling his name? Albus. As quick as he could, Scorp searched for Al on his broom and didn't find him. But when he let his gaze drop a bit, he saw a figure falling. Fast.

Two seconds and the guy he loved would be a pancake.


But Scorp didn't linger on the thought and instead felt helpless as Al fell for the ground. His brow sweat, his throat clogged, his limbs seemed to turn to lead, but just as Al was about to die, something came out of his mouth. A jumble of words, a spell maybe, tumbled of his tongue as loud as his voice had ever been and rang across the dead silent arena.

Finding his eyes closed in fear, Scorp timidly opened them, not sure what had just happened. But instead of finding Al dead and smashed on the bright green turf, he was alive, two feet from the ground, and hovering with his head and torso facing the ground. Al's arms and legs were spread like a starfish's as he hung completely stationary in the sky. Merlin's beard; two feet and he would be gone.

Not quite sure what to do, as nobody was daring to move, Scorp went with his instincts and zoomed towards Albus. Scorpius jumped off his broom, landed next to him, and crouched down next to Albus. He glanced at his friend's face to see it scrunched up in impending danger, with a lone tear crawling its way down his cheek. His jet black hair hung down vertically and his entire face was flushed a fluorescent pink. Again going with his instincts, Scorpius grabbed Al's waist and yanked him, successfully pulling him out of the air.

Albus fell out of his hovering position and into Scorpius's arms, crushing his sobbing face into Scorp's shoulder and sweaty jersey. The entire arena seemed to let out a breath and, all of a sudden, medics were rushing to the scene and the referee was screaming a time out.

Rose was crying in relief, fiercely hugging a distraught and tear-streaked Lily. Hugo Weasley hadn't moved an inch for the whole incident, in fact, all he had done was add a low whistle as he watched Scorpius cast that charm.

A withered, but still stoic, McGonagall unclenched her arm rests and muttered to herself, "Merlin's beard", knowing full well that the spell Scorpius yelled was one forty years ahead of his age.

But despite the madness surrounding them, the boys didn't let go of one another. As Albus sobbed into Scorp's shoulder, Scorpius clenched his friend's black fringe and muttered things into Al's ear, mostly along the lines of, "Don't ever do that again."

HEY Y'ALL, author talking

I'm sorry someone's already almost dying in the first chapter but BELIEVE ME, it will backtrack a bit and the whole story won't just be angst. I promise some fluff and all that jazz, so don't worry.

This is still one of my first published stories so I'd really appreciate it if you COMMENT if you look like it or nah and WHY.

Also sorry if the characters aren't how you thought they'd be. Scorps gonna be shy and stuff while Albus is gonna be an extrovert and goofy and stuff.



love y'all,


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