7: Summer Sun

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Albus picked at a hangnail on his left hand, anxiously pulling at it, and fidgeted nervously near the door. Al thought he heard somebody knock and jumped to fix his hair, but it was just his mom unloading the laundry from the washer. She gave him a knowing look before returning to folding Lily's pink t-shirt.

Al sighed dramatically, Scorpius was late, only thirty seconds past the time they had agreed on, but still late. They were supposed to be meeting up in the summer, a dangerous idea based on the past relationship of their fathers (who would inevitably have to cordially shake hands), and Albus had spent all day preparing himself, his family, and his house for Scorpius. This included cleaning his room (to which Ginny had replied with a shocked gasp and "I'm dreaming, pinch me."), informing and quizzing Harry, Ginny, James, and Lily on things one should not say around Scorp, paying James five galleons to not tell Scorpius about Al's crush, persuading Lily to bake her famous lemon squares, and taking nearly five showers. Needless to be said, Albus was more than ready for his friend to arrive.

Ginny came walking up the hallway with a strange look on her face, precariously balancing the laundry basket on her hip. The old wooden boards creaked with her every step and Albus counted in his head how long it would be until she reached him. 5...4...3...2....Ginny crouched down next to Al, who was now sitting scrunched up against the wall next to the front door with his arms crossed, and smiled at her son.

"Don't be nervous, I'm sure he'll come soon." Ginny said soothingly, planting a kiss on Al's cheek.

"Gross! Mum!" Al whined, wiping the imaginary slobber off his cheek and standing up. Ginny just laughed and walked back down the hallway, her carrot-top hair swinging with every step.

"Ew." Albus grumbled, giving another disgusted glance towards where his mother had disappeared, but his bad mood didn't remain for too long.

Albus heard a knock at the door and he grinned, reaching for the door handle. Al swung it open and saw Scorpius, looking as wonderful as ever. The poor boy was squinting at the number next to the door and checking his phone's directions, as if he wasn't sure if this was the right house.

Just to help him out, Albus screeched in a excited/guttural/childlike voice, "SCORP!"

Al barrel-hugged the unsuspecting boy, wrapping his long arms around Scorp's chest and burrowing his head into Scorpius' shoulder. He smelled slightly different than at school, a hint of pineapple added to his usual smell of broomsticks.

"Scorpius." Albus repeated, softer then before and muffled by the Quidditch jersey Scorpius was wearing. Timidly, Scorp's arms started to hug Albus back, before determinedly yanking him closer.

"Albus." Scorpius whispered back, his hot breath hitting Al's ear with every syllable. The two boys could've stayed like that forever, if it had not been for an angry huff that came from behind Scorpius.

Slowly, Albus pulled out of the warmth of Scorp's hug and looked up at the intimidating figure standing by his best friend, the infamous Draco Malfoy. There were dark purple half-circles underneath the man's gray-blue eyes, their color nothing compared to Scorp's, and his hair, which was the shade of watered-down buttermilk, was tightly gelled back to the point where Al thought it must hurt. Mr. Malfoy wore a perfectly-tailored suit; the tie, jacket, vest, and pants all the same shade of black. Albus looked back down at Scorp, whose hair was a dark gold and wildly puffed up, who was wearing a bright green and blue Quidditch jersey, whose eyes shown like the Caribbean waters in the midday. The two were complete opposites.

A small head, only reaching Mr. Malfoy's shoulder, popped out from behind the tall man and stuck out a hand in greeting. Her hair was a rich, chocolate brown and her smile reached the tips of her ears, the pink lipstick matching the color of her lively dress. This must be Scorpius's mother.

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