2: Hospital

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"I'm FINE, Scorp." Albus laughed and pulled his long legs underneath him.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you almost died back there." Scorpius muttered, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Hey." Albus patted the small space next to him on the bed, inviting Scorp to come sit down. As he did just that, Al took the chance to appreciate how beautiful Scorp was when just off the Quidditch field. A light sheen of sweat lay over his normally impeccable skin, his perfect quiff was slightly sideways and damp, and his usual smell of the maple wood of his broom was even more prominent ."I've got my best friend at my side, a warm jumper on me, thank you for that by the way, and a butt-load of people fawning over me, including you." Al tapped Scorp's nose, smirking as he blushed.

"I'm not fawning." Scorpius rolled his eyes, but the blush spreading to his ears gave him away.

Al laughed, but then continued what he was saying. "But hey, I'm serious. Thank you." Seeing that Scorp wasn't paying attention, Al grabbed the front of his uniform and directed him towards his eyes. "Thanks for the spell, whatever the hell that was, thanks for running to the dorm to grab my jumper, it's as cold as the bloody tundra in here, and thanks for just being my best friend."

Scorpius threw a stupid lopsided grin to Albus, which wasn't helping the Potter with his raging crush. But as Al was thinking about how cute Scorp looked in his uniform, Scorpius was thinking exactly the same thing about Al in his too-big red sweater.

It hung just low enough for a bit of Al's pale collarbone to show up and balanced perfectly with his piercing green eyes, which shone brightly behind his sharp black fringe. Scorpius was simply overwhelmed with how bloody beautiful Albus was and how sappy he could get over it. Merlin's beard he hated having a crush.

And not to mention how close they were right now. Their noses couldn't be more than two inches away and Albus could feel Scorp's hot breath on his cheek. Just two inches and they would be more than friends, two inches and this delicate relationship they had built would break. Two inches and-

But a large crash of the hospital doors opening and the authoritative voice of McGonagall broke the moment and sent the two boys spiraling to opposite ends of the bed. Scorpius attempted to wipe some mud of his uniform and Albus tried to plaster a smile on his face as the most distinguished member of the Hogwarts community came walking over to Al's bedside.

"Albus Potter." She smiled and looked down on him. Al shifted in the covers and she took his fidgeting as an invitation to sit down on a bed opposite of him.

"Your father once fell of his broom like this, but it was dementors, not a Slytherin opponent, like that Wallace Peters." She said "Wallace Peters" like one would say "Voldemort", her already-wrinkled nose wrinkling more in disgust.

"Really?" Albus's eyes lit up, eager to hear more about his father's failure. It wasn't often Al heard stories about his father that weren't about defeating Voldemort. It could get old; believe him.

But McGonagall had directed her attention Scorpius, whose blue eyes had gone as wide as saucers.

"Scorpius Malfoy." She said.


"First, I'd like to start out by saying it's nice to see a Potter and a Malfoy get along for once. Both of your fathers used to get in massive amounts of trouble with the stunts they pulled on each other. And that one incident in the boy's bathroom, the blood...but enough about that, I'd like to talk about the spell you cast out on the field there, Scorpius. Do you mind walking outside with me to talk?" At seeing that Al was trying to follow them, McGonagall continued, "Not you, Potter. I would like to talk to Malfoy first."

Scorpius glanced back at Albus as he walked out of the hospital wing with the headmistress and squeezed Al's knee as he left, meant to be a comforting little motion, but left Albus blushing and confused. McGonagall walked quickly for an old lady and only slowed down once they came several feet outside the door, barely waiting a second for Scorpius to fall next to her.

"That spell you cast was far ahead of your magical caliber, Scorpius." She began, leaning on her cane and looking at him with worry.

"Yes'm" Scorp replied and awkwardly repositioned his feet. If Albus was out here with them he would've chuckled and placed a hand on Scorp's shoulder, whispering in his ear, "You're doing the thing with your feet again. Relax." Scorpius could practically feel Al's hot breath and hear the lilt in his words as he held back laughing. He closed his eyes and shook the thought from his mind.

"Not to mention, you cast it on a moving target from many feet away without a wand. And since you don't seem like the type of boy to break into the Restricted Section or delve into extra studies, I'm having a hard time thinking of where you learned the spell."

A blush crept it's way up onto Scorpius' ears, even though he knew he had nothing to be worried about. McGonagall was a fair teacher, if she knew about the second year incident, he would already be expelled.

McGonagall pursed her lips in thinking, as if wondering how to word what she was going to say next. She shifted the cane under her hands and leaned onto it more, her green velvet gloves clasping to the copper knob.

"Then I though about the story of Harry Potter, which I'm sure you know well. His mother's last sacrifice of love, one of the oldest types of magic in our world, saved her son from certain death. Then, after your feat on the field, I began wondering about other ways that love could affect our magic. I looked it up in one of my books just before arriving here. It's turns out, that in a number of cases, if you love somebody with every ounce of your being, that you're so in love with them you don't even think you could imagine a life without them, and that person is hurtling towards death, you can gain powers you didn't hold prior and save them. But we're not talking about platonic love here, Scorpius, for this to work you must be completely absorbed in this person, to be completely in love." She paused for a second. "And I believe that that is what happened on the field today."

Scorpius looked up at his headmistress, his eyes burning as they held back a flood of tears. Somehow his voice managed to stay level as he said, "I think you're right."

SECOND CHAPTER! Woop woop. Still like one person reading this (shoutout to you one person) but if you want more chapters, just say the word. I like this chap because I got to describe the boys in their full beauty, wowza it was fun. OKEY DOKEY, I also understand that this is moving hella fast and one of the boys already have confessed their love, but it is about to BACKTRACK. That's right suckers (sorry sorry sorry, I luv you), Imma make you wait for the whole lovey-dovey thing and we're going to go back to their first, second, third, and fourth years. Fourth year is gonna be super drama-y and things so yeah.

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