Those boys.

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Annabeth's POV 

Jason had gone on vacation with his sister, who had been graciously given some days off by Artemis. He had been gone about a week and was coming back to camp today. Annabeth noticed how restless Percy had been acting that week and decided to ask him about it.

"Percy, you seem so off recently. Are you alright?", she asked.

Percy grinned at her but his eyes weren't looking at her. "No nothings wrong. I just miss our friends..." they were sitting on the dock, feet in the water.

"What has gotten into you two?", I asked, laughing.

"Us who?", Percy asked, oblivious.

"You and Jason. You've got quite the Bromance going.", I snickered. Percy chocked on his soda.

"What's that supposed to mean? Can't we just be bros without your teasing?"


"Yo Percy!", Jason called, helping Thalia unload her bags. Percy jumped at him full speed and clung to his back like a koala. 

Thalia snorted. "Isn't Percy a little heavy jase?"

"No he's easy actually. He might as well be a feather.", Jason answered while carrying Percy on his back and two suitcases at the same time to the Zues cabin.

I walked up to Thalia.

"How's it going Annabeth?", Thalia said.

"Yeah it's going alright it's... Yeah.", I said with hesitation.

"You have somthing on your mind. Wanna chat about it? It'll be an hour till the hunters pick me up."

She could always read me. "Yeah I guess..." we settled under the shade of a tree. I squirmed uncomfortably. "I-... do you think maybe that well I dunno- that Percy and Jason are a bit more than-..."

"Friends?", Thalia asked.

I nodded. 

"I dunno, Piper asked me the same thing the other day."


"Yeah. But she said she was going to break up with him to spare him the responsibility, she said she liked someone else.", Thalia said, nocholontly.

"Wait- really? It's just that- I love someone else now and- I just don't want to hurt Percy. He's done so much for me Thals.", I felt ready to cry.

"Hey, it won't help to lie to him about your feelings, just be honest. He might be the only decent guy I know, besides maybe Jason or Frank.", Thalia gave me a meaningful look, and then left me to think. I snapped back to present when I Percy walking towards me with his lopsided grin. It ripped my heart out because of what I was about to do. He noticed my posture and frowned, concerned. I stood up and looked him in the eye.

"Percy, I'll make this quick, like ripping off a bandaid. I have to break up with you. I'm sorry."

Percy nodded and hugged me, a strong brotherly sort of hug. "That's ok. I know it's not what we planned but I know you only make decisions that you're sure of. So... if You don't mind telling, who's the special someone?" I was speechless. Apparently my seaweed brain was a lot more mature than I had previously known.

"Uh- um it's Piper.", I said, blushing madly.

Percy smirked. "Well.... she just broke up with Jason so you best go get em!" I nodded sheepishly and went to find Piper to talk to for any clues for if she wasn't straight.

A bit more than Bromance.(Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now