An average day.

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From Connor Stoll's pov.

I woke up to the sun light streaming in through my window. I blocked it out with my pillow and rolled over. I wasn't about to see the sun without him. You might ask who "him" is. Well, that's for you to find out. I groaned, chastising myself for talking like a movie narrator, but he always did, it made hard things sound grand and funny. 

"Connor. Wake up, we've gotta start the day.", came my brother's voice from above the pillow i'd Shoved my head under.

I sighed and sat up in my bed, while Travis looked at me with concern.

"You have bags under your eyes Connor, are you sure you're okay?", Travis said. 

I looked at him a used a fake smile. "Yeah Travis I'm fine. I'm just early tired, I don't think I've been sleeping well."  He nodded, buying the half lie I told. I got dressed into some jeans and a CHB T-shirt, like always, and we walked ove to the dinning pavilion. Fumbling to open a box of cereal I yawned and scowled at how sunny it was. I couldn't win though, if it was rainy, I though of him, but if it was sunny, he also would surface, and I couldn't afford to live all those memories again because he's gone. He's been gone for ages but it still hurts like it happened yesterday. 

I sat down at the Hermes table and looked around the whole room. Everywhere we're loving couples, close friends, and camper who were half hearted rivals and more just friends that would screw each other up. I didn't have much of that. Sure I had been a long time camper, and people knew me, but they never knew me well enough to help. 

I looked over and saw Jason and Percy, eating side by side, contentment on each of their faces. And farther over, Piper was trying to get  Annabeth to smile or laugh and failing miserably to do so. I realized I saw staring and averted my gaze.

Of course then I got to see Grover and Juniper talking enthusiastically about environmental awareness and holding hands fondly with each other. And then I saw Clarrise and Chris. Chris was saved, it wasn't fair that Chris was saved and he wasn't. I was stupid for being bitter, but all the same, it had been over a year since his death, and I refuse to think his name. I missed him. 

(Sorry I know it's short. Hope you enjoyed, I'm trying 5o get back into more frequent updates to my stories. Stay tuned. ❤️)

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