Secrets Unravel

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Authors note: The song Graveyard by Halsey is a great theme song for this chapter. Enjoy!!

Jason's POV:

Percy was brought back to the infirmary and I sat there in a daze as Will checked his vitals. Annabeth, Leo, and Piper has came too, with understandably worried expressions on their faces.

"Jason.", Will said tentatively.

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"He's severely underweight, I don't like it. But, it's not so bad that it's a danger to his life. We'll need to make sure he's eating several meals a day." He looked at the others pointedly. "And I don't expect Jason to be the only one caring for him while he recovers. You're all his friends so while it's obvious to me that you will help him I wanted to make it clear."

The others nodded sagely. 

"I should've noticed earlier.", Annabeth said quietly as several tears started tracing her cheek. Piper put a comforting arm around her shoulder and rudder comforting circles into her back.

"It's not your fault for not noticing Annabeth. Percy's likely pushed his trauma deep down. I suspect he's only broken down because he's hit his breaking point.", Will co,mentee, trying to comfort her.

The blonde son of Apollo walked over to Percy, who was still asleep on the cot. He checked his pulse, deeming it satisfactory, and then moved on to checking his other vitals. Based on Will's expressions things were all decently healthy. 

"Of course Percy just couldn't be healthy no could he?  When would the universe give him a break?  Or even can the fates give Perce a break?", I thought bitterly to myself. 

Will examined him and then when to remove his shirt to use his stethoscope, when growing shock grew on his face. He was blocking any view of his patient, he pulled Percy's shirt back down slowly, then took a deep breath and turned around to face us four, who were waiting in anticipation and slight dread.

"Did any of you happen to know that Percy Transgender?", Wil asked cautiously.

"Wait- Transgender?... But he- Oh gods, that's why he said he'd never be caught dead shirtless.", Ihad the realization. He cursed himself for realizing earlier.

"No- I had no idea...", Annabeth said somberly. Piper shook her head no as an answer.

"Me neither.", Leo said. "But I've been open about being trans for quite a while now. And everyone at camp has been completely supportive. So why we he be so scared to come out even now recently?", he wondered aloud.

"I don't know.", Will said. 

"I really had no clue either...", I added, shame crawling up my face and weighing down my gut.

Annabeth moved over to me gingerly and put a gentle but firm hand on my shoulder, "It's not your fault for not knowing Jason. If I couldn't even tell all these years, then you have no fault for not noticing either."

Will nodded in agreement and went back over and pulled Percy's shirt off delicately. Mine and everyone else's eyes in the room were drawn to where his T-shirt and hoodie were now absent and missing. 

My friends all gasped, while I just stood there silent sadness. The scars I had briefly seen by accident earlier the other day made their way all the way up his fore arms, though most were on his left arm because was right handed. They lined his arms in a not so subtle fashion and I heard Annabeth let out a strangled sob, along with Piper's slightly quieter one.

Apon further inspection, two words cut into Percy's right arm, "Ugly Tranny", became blatantly apparent. His binder was seriously too tight and almost cut into his sides and under his arms.

Will let out a shakey sigh, "We seriously need to mandate therapy sessions."

Leo nodded in agreement, his shoulders tense. 

Will gestured for us to look away which we did. I listed to the snipping of scissors cutting off his binder. I could hear the son of Poseidon's breathing ease and depend immediately with the removal of the weight and pressure that was on his chest. After a minute or two of suffocating silence, which seemed like hours later, there was the sound of fabric being shuffled around. "He's kosher.", Will spoke.

I turned around with a sigh of relief. Finally Percy looked peacefull for once and felt a little more relaxed at his apparent lightened posture and reilef on his tired face .

But then he started to wake up.

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