The scare

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Why did I always end up here?I knew. I knew, I was just so weak. But I just couldn't help it. Gabe's voice yelled at me as I had flash backs.


So what if I saved the world. There were so many people that have died because of me. Too many. I couldn't handle it anymore, I slammed my head against the bathtub, I didn't even shout in pain. I was simply too numb.


I hit my head again. I felt the blood trickle down my temple and down my cheek. This probably wasn't a good things for my head. So I kept going. As the memories shouted at me I started to hit my head harder.

I don't know how long I did this, I heard a voice out side that I couldnt quite hear properly. Then I felt cold air of a door opening, and then-distorted shouting, before everything went black.


Jason's POV 

It was morning and I decided to walk up to Percy's cabin. I had to train some younger kids and he told me he'd be there waiting. 

I didn't know that we'd meet like this.

I opened his cabin door and stepped in. I heard a very loud thud coming from the bathroom. It scared me so bad. I tried to turn the handle but the door was locked. 

"Percy,", I said, trying not to give into the growing desperation in my voice. "What are you doing in there?"

No answer.

"Percy please tell me what's going on on."

The silence seeped from seconds into minutes. I started to panic. I wrenched thesoorknob trying to open but it just wouldn't open.

I ran to find Leo.

"Leo do you know how to pick a lock?", I asked, my breathing heavy from sprinting.

He was hanging out with piper. "What, trying to rob someone sparky?", he joked.

I grabbed his arm and started dragging him towards the exit of his cabin. "This is serious Leo, Percy has locked himself in his bathroom and won't anwser me."

We got to Percy's cabin, Piper followed. As Leo unlocked the door he said," figured he fell asleep on the toilet?", trying to lighten the mood as always. Then we're heard a bang. The door was ready and I slammed it open.

There sat Percy, slumped against the wall, bright red blood running down his face. Piper screamed. I took Percy's shoulders and tried to get him to look at me. "Percy Percy Percy please looked at me! PERCY!"

His eyes looked up to meet mine, they were dazed and hazed over. Then they rolled back into his head as he passed out. A sob escaped me as I shouted, "Piper, Leo, get help for him!"

I clung to his unconscious figure and just cried. Why did this happen. I tried to deny it but I relized deep down it had to be a self inflicted injury. "Percy please don't hurt yourself like this. You-you don't deserve it."

Suddenly, I felt my self being dragged away from him. My head spun as I saw him being carried away to get help.

My vision was blurry as Piper aprouched me. "Jason- it's going to be okay."

She hugged me tight as I broke down. I sobbed and cried. Until there was nothing left to cry. "Piper, that blood-his head- he did that to himself." I looked up at her. I could tell she was holding back tears of her own, trying to be brave for me.

"He's been strong for others so long Jason. Right now he needs his friends Jason, and he especially needs you."

I nodded. I would try my best to be strong. I loved him, and he was fading fast from this place. I wouldn't let that happen.

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