Taco Tuesdays

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Early wrap-up with filming meant basketball time for Wang Hedi with some of his co-stars, staff and filming crew.

After a few games with them, he decided to rest for a bit on the sidelines as he needed some energy to spare later on to practice some of his lines for tomorrow. So while waiting for the others to finish their game, he decided to post a story on his weibo.

He did his very own impression of Lebron James' Taco Tuesdays video. Upon posting, he immediately received one response from none other than his girlfriend, Shen Yue.


Yue: So Taco Tuesdays, huh?

Didi: Oh yes. 

Yue: Game's done?

Didi: Yes, why?

Yue: Good. So you better get your ass back at your hotel room. 

Didi: I thought you're still in Korea?

Yue: No no just arrived earlier. I meant to surprise you but then again I am hungry. So hurry up!!!

Didi: Gotcha, boss!


Yue can't wait to get her hands on some of those tacos to be brought by her boyfriend, Wang Hedi, after his basketball game. She planned on surprising him but ended up ruining it by messaging him when he posted that story on his weibo. She blames it on her hormones for craving for some Mexican food tonight.

So while waiting for Didi, she decided to freshen up since she went straight to his hotel room from Korea.  A much-needed shower after a tiring day.

As soon as she finished showering and went out of the bathroom, she was enveloped in a tight hug by a freshly-showered-who-just-got-buffed-after-a-basketball-game Wang Hedi. Hmmm... a mix of his body wash, his sweat, his manly smell, and Wang Hedi himself.

"Didi! I missed you, babe!" she said as she succumbed deeper into his hug.

"I missed you more, babe! Thank God you're here!" Didi said as he loosened his hug on her.

"Where's my food?" she asked as a matter of factly.

"He's standing right in front of you," he said and smirked naughtily at her.

She started to get annoyed, "I am not in the mood for your pranks, babe! Where are my tacos?"

Didi then burst into laughter. "Fuck, babe. You really meant TACO TUESDAYS the literal meaning? That's why you thought I'm bringing you home some tacos."

"Huh? What does it mean then?"

Yue's still clueless about it, Didi thought to himself.

He grabbed her hand and led her to the bed, "Let me show you then, babe."

Didi started by undressing the both of them. And he couldn't take his eyes away from Yue as her skin looks so supple and moist since she just got out of the shower. He can't wait to show her what he really meant by "taco Tuesdays."

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