The Letter

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Her hair is beautifully long and flowing.

She has the brightest, bluest eyes.

She is always laughing and smiling,

And she is always telling lies.

Her parents ask how her day has gone,

And she giggles while she tells her tale.

They have no reason to doubt her words,

How could they know her soul is tasting stale.

The girl doesn’t even know herself,

She feels her personality has ran away.

She doesn’t know that she needs to fight herself,

Or how to keep the bad thoughts at bay.

Her days have gotten so numb,

That she doesn’t want to live another. 

She holds the blade, the door creaks open,

And stares into the eyes of her baby brother.

He could of found her lifeless,

This she knows to be true.

So she wrote this clever letter,

For each and every one of you. 

Don’t harm yourself,

No matter how bad things may seem.

Your life is worth so much more.

Perhaps one day you will see.

She smiles pretty happily

The truth in her eyes.

The blade now just a memory,

About the day she almost died. 

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