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My fires rise high around me
The seething ache keeps me in place

I should relax and heal
But I crave the haste of the faster pace.

I share my sparks amongst others
To ignite that little blue blaze

Because I'm all inferno
And to them, it's a drug they want to taste

I'm always trying to fly
But my wings are tattered and charred

I'm strong enough to keep going
But I feel like I never get very far

I push myself so hard
That when I stop, I break

So I keep myself going
Until it's too much to take

When I get to that point
I walk into my flames

It burns me alive
And I welcome the pain

It might seem like hell,
But for me it's my peace

It stings me like ice
But comforts like a breeze

I sink in the heat
It burns in my bones

It's damaging my soul
But this is my home

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