Chapter 1

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Spider-Man/ Peters POV

It was just a random day. Well is was Saturday actually. Today I had plans on visiting some dead relatives but no, I have to hang out with my team band the Avengers. Since we were all there, there was no need for costumes.

I was in the corner thinking about my parents, Uncle Ben, Officer Stacy, and Gwen. Especially Gwen.

She was like a sister to me and now she's gone. They're all gone. I didn't notice someone call out my name the first time. Or the second. Not even the third. It wasn't until I was punched did I notice.

"Peter! God, Web-head how oblivious to people can you even be?!" Ava aka White Tiger Questioned

"Sorry, sorry. I out?" I said but I mostly asked it rather than anything.

"Is that a question?" Ava asked

"Pff, no it's not. Why would you think that?" I questioned her with a small smile. Ava sighed and rubbed her eyes "Whatever, dork"

I winced but his it quickly. Gwen used to call me that and with today being her death day, I don't think I can survive today. So I'll do what I always do. And that's hiding behind a fake smile. That's what I'm good at, right?

Everyone went back to watching TV, after watching the conversation with Ava and I.

After a few minutes of them watching TV and me thinking about the people that I lost, Doctor Strange ran into the room and scanned it as if he was looking for someone or something even.

"Hey, Mr. Strange! Do you need help with something?" I asked and he turned to me.

"Hello Peter. And no, I don't believe I need help. I'm just...looking for something. A demon actually." Dr. Strange explained and by the time he finished everyone who was watching TV. But before anyone could start looking a shadowy figure appeared in the middle of the room. It was looking in my direction and smirked in an evil way. It's eyes were red like blood and started to speak.

"Well if it isn't the one I was just looking for? Be ready, little one. Be ready" and with that it disappeared. Everyone looked at me and u just shrugged. Before anyone could speak we were flashed into a black room and it had a big screen on front.

"Strange what the hell is this?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Language!" Me. Steve Rogers shouted from the other side of the room.

"English!" Clint yelled back and my team snickered.

"Look, Stark. If I knew what is happening I would tell you. Possibly." Dr. Strange said. Tony scoffed.

Then the screen started to turn on and what we saw reminded me of something from a few years ago. Like it was a memory or something. We all sat down on the floor and watched, trying to figure out what was going on.

(A/N: italics are the memories and they are going to be in 3rd person POV)

A child around the age of 11 was walking home while reading a book on science.

Suddenly 3 kids came up to the boy and started to tease and taunt them. The boy who was reading ignored them and continued to read.

"Hey Parker! I'm talking to you!" A kid with blonde hair yelled but was ignored. The blonde kid got angry and pushed him.

"Look here, Parker! When I'm talking to you, you listen" as he said that he kicked the boy who had stayed quiet the whole time. But once the blonde kid started to kick his chest he started to yell out.

"Flash, stop!" The boy yelled at 'Flash' but was ignored. This continued for a few more minutes until Flash was hit in the head by a girl with blonde hair and an angry look on her face.

"Hey jerk, leave him alone." She snapped at him but Flash looked at her and smirked "Why would I do that? This is Peter Parker where talking about! What so special about him?"

Flash was the slapped "You better start running before I start to actually get mad" what the girl said worked and Flash and his buddies started to run home.

The girl kneeled to Peter. "Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

Peter coughed "I'm fine. Thank you though" he then gave the girl a small smile "I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

The girl returned a smile "I'm Gwen Stacy. Nice to meet you Petey. We're friends now whether you like it or not now. Where do you live?" Gwen asked.

"First off, we literally just met. Second, I don't even know you!" Peter told Gwen.

"Oh I know. That's why I'm coming over to your house. So that we can get to know each other!" Gwen said with a smile and Peter just gave out and statues to get up.

Gwen frappes his book and handed it to him. "So I take it your a Science guy?" She asked

"Yeah, I guess you can say that" Peter told her and the two started talking as they walked to Peter's house. They talked about a lot of stuff. And by one look at them you could tell that they were now best friends.

The screen turned off and the team looked at Peter who was as pale as a ghost. But before anyone could question him the screen turned on again.

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