Chapter 8

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Gwen popped up. She was in front of a microphone.

"I just found out that Peter is Spider-man. I made him his suit and now I've made a song for him. Hey Petey." she faced Peter.

"Yeah?" he asked with the camera in his hands.

"Remember use little people when you become a big time superhero." she joked. Peter cracked a smile.

"I promise, Gwenny" he said. Gwen smiled and began to sing

"Ready, set

Time to be a fighter
Don't look down
Keep on climbing higher
Be yourself, 'cause heroes shine in different ways
And when your voice can't make a sound
Just know we hear you all around
Don't need to fit into the crowd
To be a force of nature
'Cause we're gonna be, we're gonna be, we're gonna be the best
They're gonna see, they're gonna see that we were born for this
So if it takes forever
We'll save the world together
We were born ready

We were born ready, yeah, yeah, yeah
And if your heart surrenders
We'll hold it up together
We were born ready
We were born ready
Don't care if the world ain't ready for me
So if it takes forever
We'll save the world together
We were born ready
We were born ready, yeah, yeah, yeah
And if your heart surrenders
We'll hold it up together
We were born ready
We were born ready
Don't care if the world ain't ready for me
(Don't care if the world ain't ready)
(Don't care if the world ain't ready for me)
We were born ready
We were born ready
Don't care if the world ain't ready for me
Don't care if the world ain't ready for me"

When Gwen finished she smiled. "You know I'm thinking. Instead of becoming a hero. You and I could be singers!" she said.

Peter laughed "Maybe. If things don't turn out the way they should."

"Yay!" Gwen cheered and ran up to hug Peter. " Now go get ready. You have patrol." she said as she got the camera and shut it off.

"Aye aye, Captain" Peter said while saluting to her. Gwen smirked.

"Now go, meh first in command. Go with the wind and take a parrot!" she called out to him.

The two looked at each other. There was silence

"No parrot. Remember last time" Peter said

Gwen laughed "I know it was so funny."

"For you. I got Parrot poop on me." Peter complained which made Gwen laugh harder.

When she calmed down she told Peter to go and he did. With a smile on his face he went to get his costume on and he swung in to the city of  Queens.

The screen didn't even turn off. It only just switched onto what they were going to watch next.

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