Chapter 6

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Peter was running to someone. It was man and once he got to him, Peter dropped to his knees and held the man close to him.

"Uncle Ben, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please don't leave" he started to cry.

"Shh, it's okay Peter. I'll be fine" Ben chocked out. "I'll be fine. It wasn't your fault. It never was"

Ben was bleeding out through his chest. Blood was getting on peters shirt and hands but the teenage boy didn't care. He was focused on his uncle. 

Peter was panicking though "What do I do?" he asked. But once he saw that he could possibly stop the bleeding. He took of his shirt and placed it on the wound.

"P-peter" Ben stuttered. Peter looked up "R-remember that I love you. This isn't your fault. Don't l-let this take away your happiness. P-promise me that" Ben asked the teenage boy.

"I promise, Uncle Ben. I promise." Peter whispered the the man. He heard an ambulance in the distance but his eyes focused on his uncle. People started to gather around to see what was happening. 

The ambulance didn't make it in time. Ben died just as the vehicle stopped. Ben was put on the rolling table (A/N: Idk what they are called). 

Peter  was left one the floor, sobbing. Gwen found him and ran. She hugged Peter and put his head on her chest. 

"Shh, shh. I'm here Pete. I'm here. Let it all out." she told him with tears of her own falling from her eyes. Her hair was in a messy bun so she didn't have to worry about it getting dirty or wet. Peter cried and cried. His cries were quiet but you could hear all the pain that it held.

Peter and Gwen sat in a hugging position for what seemed like hours. They were both crying. Peter had tears for his Uncle. Gwen had tears for her brother and sorta uncle.

The screen went black. The heroes looked at it, frozen in shock. Peter was silently crying at seeing his uncle die again. He knew he could have done something else. He hated himself for not doing anything else.

Daniel got up and went to his friend's side. He put a comforting arm around Peter. Tony got up and did the same.

He always felt closer to Peter. He felt an urge to protect Peter the moment that he met him. 

The screen lit up again and the heroes were almost dreading seeing what was going to happen next.

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