Chapter 10

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Peter was typing something on his computer. Aunt May knocked.

"Come in" he called out and so she did. Aunt May had a tear streaked look on her face. When Peter say this he rushed to his Aunt.

"Aunt May, are you alright?" he asked. She couldn't bring herself to say it. So she gave Petter the letter and walked out of the room. Sobs could be faintly heard.

Peter opened the letter and read it out loud.

"Dear Petey,

If your reading this then I, well I died. I only have a few minutes before I completely die off so I just wanted you to know somethings. First off, I love you. Your the brother that any one could have and I'm grateful that we've been friends-no, siblings since we were 11. 

Second off, I want you to keep living your life! Make the world a better place even if I'm not in it. Don't mourn over me forever. I don't want that for you. But please, do remember me.

For the final thing, I want you to have everything that I own. From stuff animals to old jewelry. From pictures to books. I especially want you to have the small box in my closet. it says 'Only ope when the time comes'. It has stuff that i want you to have. I was always prepared in case I died young. 

Petey, my dear brother. Just know that I love you...and to plan my funeral just the way I want it. 

With lots of love and a sad goodbye,


P.S, If I find out that you didn't do any of the shit that I told you to do or have, I swear I am coming back from the dead to beat your sorry butt. "

When Peter finished the letter he numbly sat on his bed. His elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He cried.

He lost best friend. He lost the person that he loved the most. He lost...

he lost his sister.

The screen went black for the last time. Peter was fighting off tears but then numbly fell. He saw the pity looks, and he hated them.

Peter got up and started to walk around the room, trying to find away out.

"Peter, what are you doing?" Natasha asked.

"Looking for a way out of here" Peter replied. Everyone else did the same. With concern for the boy, they did it none the less.

After a few minutes they found a way out and opened a door, that wasn't there before. But they all went inside and the next thing that they knew, they were home.

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