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Lucy had just came out of the facility she was kept in and along the way killing everyone who stood in her way

She walked slowly but steadily out of the door to he end of a cliff

And without her knowledge
A gun was being pointed straight at her ready to fire

Once the man shot the gun Lucy turned her head to the side

And instead of dying her mask broke off revealing long pink hair and horns

As the force of he gun shot her back into the ocean.


A few days go by for the search of he Diclonius Lucy with no luck of spotting her the facility called off the search presuming that Lucy was dead


On the other hand Lucy was drifting in the sea eventually leading her to a sandy beach

Once she woke up
She put her hand to her head seeing some remanence of blood from the bullet

Lucy looked forward to see y'all buildings
Looking like hotels

The beach Lucy was on was vacant but
Also looking at the sky it was clear that it was to early in the morning to be out

Lucy walked out of the water

Having her sandy knotty hair draped over her naked body

Lucy sat near the wall that divided the street to the beach

Waiting for someone so she could take their clothes and escape without being suspicious

Hours seemed to go by as Lucy waited for someone anyone to come along

But after wait felt like days

She heard the footsteps
Of someone approaching the beach

"Look Todoroki isn't pretty!"

She heard a cheery happy voice above

Lucy did not hear a response from the supposed Todoroki

But looking back in front of her there was the sunrise

And with that light showed at least 4 silhouettes above on the wall looking at the sunrise

"You wanna go down to the beach Deku"

A light sweet voice said

As the girl said hat Lucy heard footsteps heading down to the beach

Without anywhere to hide Lucy decided to stay there as still as possible

Trying not to be noticed

But as the 4 figures got down to the beach the
First thing they noticed was this naked women with the brightest of pink hair

They looked at Lucy with a shocked sort of look

With the three guys in the group covering their eyes

Lucy noticed that one guy had fluffy green broccoli hair the second guy had glasses and blackish navy blue hair with jets in his legs?

The third guy had half red half white hair
With a scar on the red side of his face

And two different colored eyes

The the last person was a girl

Short brown hair and round big eyes

"Ummm deku I thought we were told this part was private for the trip"


Was all this so called deku could say

After saying that the girl threw her coat at Lucy telling her to cover herself

After she did Lucy asked a question

"Where am I?"

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