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Kurama has the pistol pointed right at Lucy's head

"You are endangering this world by just being here!"

He shot a few bullets toward Lucy

But her vectors stopped them easily

Lucy slowly stepped closer to Kurama as he clicked a button on his phone

His face as blank as ever and the pistol still pointed at her head

Lucy heard something from the distance but she couldn't respond quickly

Well she was able to respond quick enough to not get killed

A bullet aimed straight for her head was traveling its way to her

Not exactly killed her but breaking one of her horns

The bullet sent her back as she fell onto the ground becoming unconscious

Kurama lowered his gun and looked at Lucy

In her pjs
Some of it covered in blood

But as Kurama went to take Lucy someone was heard from afar


A middle aged man was walking around in the forest calling for Lucy

Kurama retreated back to were ever he came from

And Lucy was left on the ground

Completely passed out

One of her horns being broken

Aizawa eventually found Lucy

Picking her up and carrying her back to the camp muttering 'I don't get paid enough for this sh*t"

Everyone was ok thankfully but Lucy was yet to wake up

Many people were either worried

Didn't care

And didn't even know Lucy

But when she woke up she looked around slowly at her surroundings

Her gaze could kill anyone as she looked to for anyone in the room

Then she realized that deku was with her sleeping until he slowly woke up looking up at her

"Oh your awake Lucy"

He said rubbing his eyes

Lucy snapped out of her gaze then looked look at deku confused


She asked looking at deku with a playful voice


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