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Once back at UA it was announced that everyone would have a day or two to relax after all of that

Lucy went to the hospital with Uraraka and ilda since deku was being treated for his injuries

The doctors did some test but saw that she wasn't really harmed that badly

Lucy didn't understand what most of anything that was going on

So she just played around with her surroundings

The doctor just stated that it might be  multiple personality disorder

The check up was finished and they exited the room

But Lucy quickly ran through the halls

She was in a tang top and shorts bare foot

She kept opening doors looking in them then closing the door

Until she found a room she went in

Uraraka and ilda tried to stop her but weren't able to

The room Lucy went it was dekus

He was hurt pretty badly


Lucy said as she went to his bed side

"Oh hi Lucy"

Deku said looking to his side

Lucy was going around the room playing with some items

Until Uraraka and ilda caught up and went in the room

A few minutes went by as more and more classmates went to visit deku

"Lucy it's time for your check up"

A doctor with brown hair said as he looked through the door

Lucy started to have a scared look


She said backing away from him

"You have to go Lucy"

Uraraka said leading Lucy

"Nope only Lucy"


Uraraka said as she let go of Lucy

And he doctor took Lucy's hand

Lucy said "NYU!!!"
Really loud in protest

But she was dragged to a room no matter how much she protested

As soon a Lucy was gone many more of the classmates went to comfort deku


Lucy said as she dug her feet to the ground to stop from going by farther

But she was still dragged into a private room

Next thing she knew Lucy was tied hands up naked

The doctor was putting some liquid in a syringe


Lucy said over and over and over

A few times she even cried out for deku

The man revealed horns on his head under a wig

And put the syringe into Lucy

Lucy quickly fell asleep but she lifted her head up again

The doctor was shocked at this

"But but?!"

He said as lucy stared at him

She broke her bonds

And walked closer to him

"You made her go to sleep"

She said before using her vectors to go through his torso killing him

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