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With everything going on I slowly retreated to the little ally way I was in to avoid anyone

Especially with my DNA recently talking to me

Right now no one is safe around me

Not until I'm sure that I'm in complete full control

But as the fight continued
A weird feeling came across me

I sense someone

Another Diclonius?

How could it be
I thought I was only here

But as the fight concluded I went to join everyone
As a ambulance came and the police as well took the villains that weren't able to escape

And got the injured villains to a hospital

Not my fault....let's just go with that


After his event we were given a few days off

And some students were injured especially 13 and Aizawa

So for the few days I had off I went over to where this strange feeling was coming from

I walk and walk towards a type of beach

Different from the one I came from but none the less a beach

I noticed a little girl in a black dress walking along the shore line

She looks back at me then starts to run towards me

I run towards her as she gets close to me I feel her vectors grip on to my neck

As my vectors take rocks and wood from the beach and throw it at her

Eventually I got the upper hand
And tackled her onto the ground

"I thought I was the only one here!"

I yelled at her as my own hands start to strangle her

"W-wait I can explain"

She says threw desperate attempts for air

I let go of her neck

She starts to cough and then clears her throat to explain

"Papa couldn't let go the face that you were dead so he insisted that I,Nana-chan, would search for you"

"I came across this type of portal and touched it...."

T hand went threw it but I quickly retreated"

"Then what did you do?"
I asked wanting more answers

"I contacted papa and he tried going through the portal but he couldn't... actually many humans tried but they tested that only Diclonius could go through it"

"So I went through it and found who my target... I'm supposed to go back in 2 days"

"That also tested that vectors are able to destroy the portal since we are the only type of people to go through it"

Nana said ending her explanation

"Ya well I'm deciding to stay here"

I say bluntly to nanas face as she quickly gets up with a surprised look

"Here I can live peacefully with humans"

I sate as she ponders my words

"Nana-Chan will go back in the 2 days and say I couldn't find you... but if I'm ordered to go look again I won't hesitate to bring you back with or without force"

"Ok then nana-Chan I'll see you if they send you"

I start to walk away until nana says again
"But it might not be me who is sent to bring you back, it might be other stronger Diclonius so watch your back"

"I will"

I say while walking away from this lovely conversation

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