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Lucy looked at the mans corpse as she walked passed it stepping in the pool of blood

She made footprints as she walked out into the hall way

Lucy put her hand up on to her head to see that her horn grew out

She heard footsteps behind her and she booked it out of the hospital

Many people gave her looks but she didn't care

For the next few days Lucy stayed low and didn't go to class

Eventually dekus bones healed up and they all were worried about Lucy

Many pro hero's went to look for her but they couldn't find her

Many deaths were reported

But non of the pro hero's could find the culprit


Lucy stepped out of the bathroom

The bodies of the original owners were laying on the couch

She put on some teenage girls clothes

It was a baggy white shit and a skirt that went to her knees

She slept in the parents original bed

Until the morning came and she tracked to the beach before the cops could come the house

She was standing on the beach watching the sun rise

She heard the footsteps of many of her classmates


Many of them called out

But in a blink of an eye many helicopters cars and soldiers surrounded Lucy

"I'm so sorry deku"


Deku asked running down to her

"Hold fire someone's with her"

Kurama yelled

"What's going on Lucy!?"

Deku asked grabbing onto Lucy's shoulders

She looked away from deku

"I'm so sorry deku...but I must go"

Lucy said

Then she looked at deku then smiled as she placed her hand on dekus head

A soldier ran up to Lucy as her eyes went over to the man

She used her vectors to slice him into 3

Deku and many of the other classmates were surprised by the sudden act of violence

"Deku I can't stay here!"

Lucy yelled at deku

Lucy walked over to Kurama joining him

Lucy waved goodbye as she walked on to the helicopter into the sky never to be seen again

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