Chapter 29: Death Thirteen part 2

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As they were flying through the air, Joseph, Jotaro and Hikari suddenly felt a huge disturbance in the atmosphere. They didn't this would happened upon flight. But in hindsight, they should've. Joseph turned to his grandson and asked, "Jotaro, do you sense that?"

"Yeah. Clear as day." Jotaro said. "I do too...Oh no." Hikari turned to Polnareff and began to shake him. "Mr. Polnareff, wake up." She said as she tried to wake him. Meanwhile, back in Nightmare Land, was Polnareff struggling against Death Thirteen's grip. He tried to punch and kick, but no matter what did, Polnareff just fazed right through the Stand. "Are you stupid? Surly you know by now that only a Stand can defeat a Stand. It's time for you to enter your eternal sleep, Polnareff. Lali-ho!"

"Polnareff!!" "Let him go!!"

"Die!" Death Thirteen swung his scythe to cut off Polnareff's head right off. However, the curved blade went right through him and Polnareff faded from existence.

"Polnareff." Joseph said as he tossed a paper ball at the man as he rubbed his eyes. "Hey Polnareff, wake up. It would appear our little traveler has wet himself. Do us all a favour and help Chiara out with changing his diaper." Polnareff was now awake, he had no idea how lucky he had just been a mere moments ago. "Tch." Jotaro glanced back at the baby. Hmm, that's odd. He could've sworn he heard something. Hikari carefully picked the baby up and handed him to Polnareff. "Just hold him while I prepare him a fresh, okay?" Hikari asked him. "Huh...? Oh sure."

Death Thirteen slammed the bottom of its scythe on the cart as it sighed in frustration. "Curses. Someone must've woken the fool from his slumber, he's quite lucky." It said as it clenched his fist. Damn...he really wanted to gut him like a pig, but there's no helping it. "Lali-ho, I suppose it's no matter. Even if he wakes up, he won't remember a single thing. I'll just have to finish him the next time he falls asleep." Death Thirteen then slowly turns the remaining dreamers and raised its scythe.

Kakyoin quickly moved himself in front of Nemuru to shield her from the Stand. The two students were getting scared by the whole situation. They summon their Stands, they can't fight this thing! How are they going to survive against it? "Which means your deaths have been moved up. Lali-ho!"

"Wha...aurrgh!! Hold on a second guys! What the hell is this!?!" Polnareff shouted at he undid the baby's diaper. Instead of wetting himself, the baby actually went no.2 in his diaper, much to Polnareff's disgust. "The kid took a dump in his diaper! Just look at the size of it!" Polnareff complained/whined. "Well he is just a small baby, that's why he has to wear diapers, Mr. Polnareff." Hikari said as cut out the fabric that was in the baby's basket and made a fresh one for him. "You're kidding me! That's why?!" Polnareff shouted. "What a vile, disgusting creature. And he's got it all over the place!!"

"Would you stop yapping and hand the baby back so Chiara change the damn diaper already? It stinks!" Joseph says to the whining Polnareff. He let out a groan as he hands back the baby to Hikari. "There now, it's okay." Hikari wrapped the cloth around the baby's lower half and made a great makeshift diaper. She was just about to pin when she dropped it to the floor. "Oops. Oh no, I dropped it. Mr. Polnareff, would you please?" Hikari passed the baby back to Polnareff while she bent down to pick it up.

"There we go-AHH!" Hikari had picked up pin and looked up only to see Polnareff holding the baby upside down, the cloth she had folded so neatly was already a scrambled mess. "M-Mr. Polnareff, please be more care. If you hold him that way, you'll hurt him!" Hikari cried out, taking the baby in her hands. "I'm so sorry Hikari. I had no idea how that happened." Polnareff said with a sincere apology.

Hikari had easily forgiven him and finished the work. They thought that things were finally settling down, but they head Kakyoin whimpering in his sleep.

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