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To say that (y/n) is surprise would be understatement, Larcade's Uncle Natsu a guy with pink hair looked like his about the same age as his nephew, how did he even became his Uncle? and most importantly when did Lucy got married? and the cat can talk?

"How is that even possible?" (y/n) ask Larcade.

"My father is his brother." Larcade told for what seems like the 5th time.

"I know you told me that already, but he doesn't have look like his old enough to be your Uncle." 

"It's because, he use to live at  a different time he was sent here by my father to save his life." 

"I see. But still it's a bit of a shock." 

 (y/n) decided to look for Erza, she couldn't wait to tell her about her journey with Larcade along with Lucy and her husband Natsu, Happy sit on Larcade's lap his hand caressing the blue cat's fur.

"It seems like this is all a dream." 

Larcade turned towards (y/n), seeing her look up at the star filled sky, (y/n) have always wondered what it was like being outside of her cave again, where she could finely watch the stars and feel the rain without having the need to hide in her cave.

Lucy and Natsu were currently asleep, Happy fell asleep a little while ago on his lap Larcade looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkled brightly and the moon give off a soft glow making everything so enchanting.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" (y/n) ask.

"Yeah, it is."

"It's the reason why i like staying up a bit later than anyone, I may not be able to see the moon this pretty anymore." 

"Why were you curse?" Larcade asks.

"Well I'm not so sure, my Mother said it's because of another wizard." (y/n) looked down to her feet.

"Well i guess i have to thank that person, because if it weren't for them i doubt i would have met you." 

(y/n) blushed at his words, smiling at Larcade he smiled back at,(y/n) she lean her head to Larcade's shoulder he wrap his arm around (y/n), Larcade lean his head over her head.

"Good night (y/n)..." He whispered letting sleep take over his body. 

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