Brussel has no idea

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The sun began to rise which meant it was morning, and Brussel was lying on the floor fast asleep. He looked so peaceful. Margaret was up already making Brussel's favourite peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The delicious smell of the peanut butter had woken him up like a zombie sensing a human near it. He waddled over to the rusty kitchen where Margaret stood making breakfast and asked, "I haven't had these since yesterday!" The woman chuckled. "Where did you even get the money to buy all of this?" questioned Brussel pointing to the bags of food and clothes he found on the table next to him. Margaret looked at Brussel and raised an eyebrow. "Have you forgotten about my job already?" She said with a smile. Brussel remembered and nodded his head. "They paid me extra for working 5 extra hours. That's why I decided to buy new things for us! We might even be able to buy a new house in the future Brussel isn't it great!?" Brussel agreed strongly but forgot about asking her about what job she had applied to.

A few hours passed and Brussel and Margaret had nothing to. Its been a while since they had left the house together; (No-one knows how long but it felt like forever) so they decided to take a little walk down town. Wherever that was.

Margaret took out her new pink sweater which was her favourite pick of all the clothes she bought and threw in onto her body. Meanwhile Brussel was searching through his trash can of clothes for his old shades he loved. He didn't find them. "That's okay Brussel we'll get a new pair for you." Margaret helped him up and walked to the door together. They didn't need to lock the place up since it was abandoned and no one really cares about robbing ugly ass crusty dusty buildings. And so they left on an adventure to down town...wherever it was.

When they finally reached their destination, Margaret dragged Brussel around everywhere, buying even more things she had before; new trendy clothes for Brussel, food, more food, a few more dresses for herself and even home decorations. Where did she get enough money to buy all of this? Don't ask Brussel he doesn't know lol.

They then both became exhausted from all the running around they decided to sit down and the bench and take a break at the park. It was already past 7pm and it was getting pretty dark but the lamps illuminated the streets. It was beautiful.

Suddenly Margaret noticed a figure jogging towards their direction. The figure got closer and Margaret was able to figure that it was a male. But something was off. As he approached nearer Margaret saw that it wasn't just any random man...It was Joseph.
Margaret pretended to not notice Joseph and turn to Brussel and began a fresh conversation with him. She thought that he wouldn't notice her if she looked away and focused on Brussel. But deep in her head she thought about how sexy he looked at that moment.

Suddenly Margaret felt a hand grip onto her shivering shoulders. Well she's busted.

She spins around and Brussel looks up to face the buffed lad, confused. "Do we know you sir?" Says Brussel. Margaret quickly stands up and brushes her skirt down to cover her thighs with a flustered look.

Joseph smirks.

"Well well Margaret!" He spoke. "Long time no see?" Margaret looked at him confused.
"We met yesterday, Joseph" she replied. Brussel suddenly stepped in front of Margaret and looked up at him. "Who are you?" He asks.
Joseph lets out a giggle. "You must not have told this man about me Margaret. I shall introduce myself then, I am actually-" He gets cut off by Margaret. "He's my friend I told you about Brussel! Have you forgotten? I told you that he is my partner at work!" Margaret jumped out. "Well then Joseph it was nice seeing you! I'll see you tomorrow!" She exclaimed at she picked up her belongings and pulled Brussel along with her.

Joseph pulled back Margaret's arm and whispered something in her ear, leaving her wide-eyed and jogged away into the distance. She shook her head and ran back to Brussel who was still confused about the whole situation but didn't say a word. "Let's go Brussel."

'10pm, my house, tonight. Don't be late, baby.'


'AH AH AH JOSEPH STOP IM GONNA COME NO PLEASE' the loud echoing screams from Margaret and Joseph could be heard once again from outside the house. 'This is - aH your puni- AH hAh shment for lying- to- Hah hah ME' Joseph moves harder and faster making Margaret cry even more-

*Caw caw*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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