8. Lady in the Ship

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LIGHT BARELY TOUCHED THE GROUND when the vedraza began scrambling back in the shadowy places, afraid to be burned by sunlight. I watched the sun's slow ascent, providing us with its protection once more. It was dawn. The soldiers would be ready to set sail. Once I deemed the roads safe from the monsters, I slung the burlap sack that contained what meagre things I had on my shoulder and saddled a horse. I donned on my cloak lined with fur, the only protection I had from the cold.

I looked back at the Severin manor once more, feeling a bitter taste in my mouth. I refused to grieve what I had lost and decided to let anger reign over my emotions. It was easy to feel angry. Being angry was better than the hollow feeling of desolation.

          I tapped the horse's hindquarters, earning myself a neigh. I rode fast and hard, hoping that the general hadn't left yet. Well, it was not my only worry. Even if they hadn't left, I had no assurance that his proposal still stood. Nevertheless, it was my only hope to escape this accursed country.

When I reached Junizë Harbor, the soldiers were still boarding the biggest ship I have ever seen. It was a great hulking naval ship made of steel, designed for warfare. It was the largest among the fleet of ships docked in the harbour which made me think that this was the main ship. The Eluvian flag soared high and glorious in the ship's stern, whipping against the cold Izarri wind. I motioned my horse to the dock, looking for a familiar face.

It did not take long to find the general. He was easy to find thanks to his height and his golden hair. He stood out like a sore thumb amidst the dark-haired Izarri men he had recruited with his elegant robe, medalled chest and the great sabre strapped on his hip. He was standing near the ship's port with two soldiers flanking him on either side, overseeing the boarding of the ship. I jumped down from my horse, held its reigns and made my way towards the general.

Few of the recruits boarding the ship recognized me. They gave me a confused look, a few of them gracing me with their hostile stares. I ignored them, intent on getting the general's attention. When he saw me, there were no traces of resentment in his face. He merely raised a brow, a faint smile tugging his lips.

"Why did I get the feeling you'll be back?" he drawled. I once thought it strange that he spoke my language perfectly like a native, but listening closely, I could discern an accent. It was faint, but it was there.

"I take it that your proposal still stands?" I smiled back though inside I was shrivelling. I didn't know what to do if he denied me. In retrospect, he should be denying me after my adamant refusal, however, I banked on him finding me too useful to reject.

"Depends. You told me that you can't sense demons. If that is the case, I don't see the need to let you come with us. Though having the company of a pretty lady is welcome, it is not necessary." He was smiling but his gaze was sharp and inquisitive.

I levelled his gaze and said, "If I tell you that I can, what would you do?"

"Then I would say you lied to me back then." He said this in good humour which made me thankful. He did not seem angry.

"Welcome aboard, my lady." He bowed exaggeratedly.

I restrained myself from sighing in relief, not wanting to look desperate. The general ordered a soldier to take my horse away. After that, he held out his right arm for me to take. I obliged, sliding my gloved hands in his arm.

"I have been rude to you. I haven't introduced myself," he said, guiding me through the pier. "I am the 24th Brigadier General in charge of this year's recruitment. My name is Azra Estellion."

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