6 super top tips

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1) revise for your mock exams!
Trust me on this! This way your revising right through the year and your recapping on things over and over again. Therefore when your doing your last minute cramming the information is more familiar to you. I can guarantee it works wonders. Plus your mocks are likely past gcse papers, so by revising properly for them you can identify what you've truly learnt and what you need to focus on more, as well as how effective your current revision has been. As its still early you can change your revision methods if you need to.

2) revision apps + websites
Revision websites are really really useful! I turned most of the websites into apps on my phone by pressing "add to home screen" on safari for easy access. Their perfect for some quick revision in the morning when you wake up or just before you go to bed. They are quick and some of them are quite fun.
They are good for when you don't feel like revising at all but feel a little guilty about rejecting all productivity.

Some I would recommend you look into are:
- mathswatch (website) - maths
- gcse pod (website) - anything
- Seneca learning (website) - anything
- memrise (app) - spanish
- Quizlet (app) - flashcards on anything
- YouTube (app) - anything
- this is language (website) - spanish
- my study plan (app) - make a timetable

3) YouTube is your best friend
YouTube has been my saviour this year. Not only has it taught me content I needed to know, its allowed me to watch how others study and it really motivated me to revise.

For content, I would strongly recommend:
• free science lessons - for science 🧬
• primrose kitten - for science, maths, and general guidance and support 💁🏻‍♀️
• Stacey Raey - for English (her Instagram page is amazing for English aswell)📝
•mr bruff - English (especially his songs)📝
•mr salles - English 📝
•mr Macmillan - Re ✍️

For motivation and advice from students I recommend:
• unjaded jade
• eve bennet
• olivia greenhalgh
• primrose kitten

4) write notes
At first, I told myself I would just read the revision guides because all the information is infront of me. If you have time do not do this! I found writing summary notes to be so much more effective, because when I wrote the info out I would learn it as I went along. Then when I read over the notes I had already came across it before so it wasn't completely new content. I wrote on plain paper for each chapter and stapled them together to make a sort of revision pack. For example I made a revision pack on "ecology" for biology🧬 they are easy to read over the night before too. Just don't spend all day making them pretty. They should be quick summaries.

5) buy the revision guides in y10
Some schools can get discounts on revision guides so ask your teachers if you can. They are available to buy from amazon and probably eBay new and second hand. Youtubers such as primrose kitten, freesciencelessons, Mr bruff, mr salles and Stacey Raey also sell revision material to help you. I recommend you buy them in y10 or even y9 do you can get used to them and use them to help you understand anything you find difficult. Better sooner than later i guarantee you! 🙏🏼

6) finish course work early
If you take any exams with coursework involved, finish it as early as you possibly can. I can't stress this enough! I speak from experience! There's nothing worse than having to battle the mountain of coursework on top of revision. You will be more worried about the coursework and will abandon revision. Please don't do this! For example, my photography coursework was due in for the 26th April, so I was abandoning all revision to complete pieces that I went back to correct. It took so much time and wasted energy. I strongly suggest you get your coursework out the way by April!

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