Chapter 2

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With her parents close on her heels, Mae eagerly knocked on the door to Fale's lovely home. She played a tune with her knuckles; excitement powered every twist of the wrist. When the door opened, a tall man filled the doorway. Long, shaggy greying hair framed his lean face. His skin—calloused and raw from constant scratching—hid behind a bushy beard. The pleasant smell of slow roast chicken tumbled out to greet her. She couldn't help but lick her lips with anticipation.

"Hello, Mae. You're early," he said, his soothing voice wrapped around her like a blanket.

She gave a short nod, "you're saying that like it's a bad thing," she said, a playful hint jabbing at her tone.

"Oh no, not at all. It's always a pleasure to have you," He assured her before he stepped aside. "Ethan and Fale are upstairs."

With another nod, Mae walked into the house that may have well been her own. She could point out any crevice that lined the walls, or any possible defect within the furniture. She had spent most of her life here—she's the reason most of the furniture had imperfections, to begin with. Whenever they had the chance, the two girls created chaos that swept the finery of the lovely home. Beyond their rapture, their parents didn't enjoy the mayhem that was left in their wake. However, while the anger may linger, it never stained.

From the stories her mother would tell, Mae was well aware that she and Fale's mom have been close friends since high school. Just like their own friendship, the two were inseparable. Mae could easily say they haven't grown at heart; their childish tendencies only come to light when they stand side by side. They poked fun at recent events, gossiped, and acted like the responsibilities of life have washed away. Therefore when Mae was brought into this world, it was destiny that Fale was immediately alongside her. She truly felt like she understood the other inside and out. They developed their own references, their own mode of communication. Sometimes without a single word, Mae could communicate an entire idea to Fale. She was well aware of what it meant when she chewed at the ends of her hair, or, perhaps, when she wore a beanie around the end of the week. She knew that her lips curled when she lied, and how she avoided others when she didn't want to confront a problem.

They knew more than they should about each other.

Mae took a sharp turn and faced the stairs that curved to the right and disappeared above. Family portraits neatly covered the walls; they were happy and their smiles were captured in time. She ascended the stairs with haste before her parents could ask her for something. However, they seemed engrossed in a mindless chat about something or other. It was clear it would be a while before she was beckoned. She sauntered down the hall and approached the very room that has held many secrets. Its very walls held useless information about the endless amounts of crushes and problems both of them had.

"Fale," she sang and opened the door without an invitation. She expected to see her best friend idling about in dark sweatpants. Blankets propped around her, with the end of her pinkie finger in between her teeth. With her bra off, and slippers on, Mae could practically imagine her friend there, on the bed. A book about ghosts—or something bone-chilling that she would unquestionably bring up later just to frighten her—in her delicate hands. Instrumental music or, perhaps, the soundtrack from one of her favorite indie games playing quietly. However, that's not the scene Mae got. Instead, the bed was bare and books of all kinds lay untouched over the desk. An outfit folded and clean sat on the chair by the table. The room was shadowy, silk curtains danced to the outside wind in a desultory fashion.

"Fale?" Mae called again, in a loud fashion. Briskly, she retreated into the long hallway.

"In Ethan's room," came a distant reply.

Halfheartedly, she closed the door and trotted down the corridor. Once she reached the other bedroom, she knocked to include her presence.

"You don't need to knock, you know."

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