Chapter 5

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I walk down the hall towards the library. It's Friday, the last day of school. Before I reach the library, I see Caitlyn at her locker.

"Caitlyn!" I call to get her attention as I walk over to her.

"Hey," she greets me.

"Guess what?"

"What?" Caitlyn asks.

I quickly check to make sure no one is around to hear me before I whisper to her, "I discovered that I can fly yesterday!"

"Really?" she asks in awe.

I nod my head in response. Every day after school, I have been going back out to the cornfield and trying to figure out what things I'm able to do. I've discovered that I can create lightning in my hands and direct it at a target, though I don't have a very good aim yet. I can run at super fast speeds, make gusts of wind, and I can unintentionally create storms when I'm really angry. As of yesterday, I know that I can also fly, but not very well. I only made it a couple feet in the air and then fell hard on my left shoulder.

"Yeah," I say. "I'm terrible at it, though. I bruised my left shoulder."

The school day zooms by and before I know it, the bell rings at 1 o'clock, signaling the end of my sophomore year. I walk towards the front door of the building with Caitlyn.

"Are you going back to the cornfield again tonight?" Caitlyn asks me.

"Yeah," I respond. "Do you want to come today?"

Before she can give an answer, a voice behind us calls out, "Caitlyn! Kyleigh!"

Looking back, I see Kathryn, my tall friend with long, straight, light brown hair. She runs towards us and begins walking by my side. "Do you guys want to come over today?"

"Uh," I look at Caitlyn and she is looking back at me, waiting for my answer. "Sure, but not right away. I've got a few things to do first."

"Oh, okay," she smiles. "Great! I'm stopping by the bakery on my way home."

"Pick up a cupcake for me!" Caitlyn says excitedly.

"Okay," Kathryn laughs, "I'll get cupcakes for all of us!"

"Yay!" Caitlyn exclaims.

"Well, I'll see you guys at my house, then," Kathryn says as she begins to walk away.

"See you later," I say.

When I get home, I notice a moving truck in the driveway of the white house neighboring my own. Curious, I drop my school bag off inside and then walk over to meet my new neighbors.

A tall, dark haired man, probably in his 20's, walks into the house. I hear noise from the truck and I find a boy with messy blonde hair stepping out of the vehicle holding three boxes balanced on top of each other. As he steps onto the driveway, the top box falls off and lands upside down on the concrete. I walk over and bend down to pick it up for him.

When he realizes I'm there, he looks at me, and I notice that he has bright blue eyes. "Um..." I say as I stand back up, holding the box. "I, uh, I think you dropped this." We stare at each other for a moment, and when he doesn't say anything, I start talking again. "I'm, uh... I live right there in the dark green house." I point in the direction of my home. "And... um, I saw the moving truck, so I decided to see who my new neighbors were."

He nods his head slightly, but still doesn't say anything.

"But, um, I'm kinda awkward when it comes to meeting people..." I don't really know why I keep rambling on to him, but I do. "So I, um... The fact that you're not talking at all isn't helping."

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