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I could feel my throat burning from the strong liquid. It was a good burn tho. I was not drunk yet but not directly sober. I watched Lina and Alessia on the dance floor. The way Lina moved. Something about her caught my eye from the first time I saw her. She was so closed but also so open. She was so honest. I've never met someone so honest before.

"Shawn?" I heard Connor ask snapping me out of my gaze and looked at him.

"She is nice." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah." I said and went back in my gaze. It felt like everything moved in slow motion. She turned her head and looked at me. She gave me a slight smile and I let out a chuckle.

"I would a hundred percent fuck her tonight." Brian said and took another big sip of his beer. He is super drunk I can tell.

"But you won't." I said an he looked at me.

"Because if someone's gonna fuck her tonight it gonna be me." I said and smirked.

"Get it Mendezzzzz." Connor said and patted my chest. I blushed and brushed it off. I looked over at her and studied her, how she was moving, dancing, how her lips moved while singing along to the songs. Perfection. She's perfection. I stood up and walked over to her and Alessia.


I was quite drunk at this moment. Me and Alessia have been on the dance floor dancing non stop for hours. She's probably the sweetest girl I've ever met. I suddenly felt a hand on my waist. I looked around and saw Shawn passing me. I looked over at Alessia and she winked at me. Brian and Connor came over as well with a beers in their hand. Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I looked up at him and could see that he was quite drunk himself.

We all danced together for a good 20 minutes and I just got closer and closer to Shawn. But apparently I didn't seem to mind it. My drunk mind didn't care that my sober mind didn't think hooking up with a celebrity was good it seemed like. He danced behind me and suddenly he grabbed my hand and twirled me around so I faced him.
Smooth Mendes, very smooth.
Then just a second later I smashed my lips onto his. Yes, I did. Me. Or my drunk mind forced me to. But he didn't pull away nor reject, he kissed me back.
What the hell am I doing. Imagine telling my Julie this.

"EYYYYY!" We heard Brian and Connor shout. We continued to make out for a while. He was a pretty good kisser. Okay I'm under exaggerating, he is an hell of a kisser. Damn Mendes why do you have to be like this.

"How about we take a few ciders with us and go back to my hotel room?" He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and he had this cute and sexy smirk on his face. A smirk you couldn't resist.

"Okay." Was all I said. He took my hand and intertwined our finger and we left the dance floor, heading towards the door.

"DON'T FORGET PROTECTION OR WE WILL HAVE A MINI MENDES RUNNING AROUND IN NINE MONTHS!" We heard Connor shout. I turned my head and gave him the middle finger but he just laughed.

We opened the door and I accidentally bumped into the big security guard who glared at me.
"Watch were you going miss." He said in a bitter voice.

"I don't know what bitter drink you've been drinking to get that attitude and I'm so sorry sir for bumping into you but you were kinda in the way." I said and Shawn started laughing. The security guard looked at me with even angrier eyes.

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