Chapter 29: The Fire in the Darkness

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Note: Hey guys, another update for today! I couldn't take leaving the last chapter hanging, because that chapter and this chapter were originally connected, but I had to cut it into two so they'd be more bite-sized, so to speak.

This chapter's a little intense and dramatic. Have fun reading, and don't forget to vote and comment.

Also, before I go. This novel had been labelled by Wattpad as eligible to join the Wattys 2019. Should I? Is this worthy of the Wattys? Lol. And, if I actually decide to join, will I still be able to add chapters to this novel? And, should I join even though this novel's not yet finished? I have a lot of questions.

Anyway, on to the story...


Chapter 29: The Fire in the Darkness

On his couch, Eric was twisting and turning, beads of cold sweat stuck on his cold face. He was inside his nightmare again.

That terrifying man was haunting him again, doing unspeakable things to his frail, little body.

"I don't want to..." He was muttering in his sleep. "No... Please, I don't want to..."

But the man did it anyway. It hurt like hell. He whimpered like a helpless creature.

When he woke up, he was breathing heavily. The dilapidated ceiling greeted him like an old friend.

Fuck, I'm having those nightmares again!

He sat on the couch and hugged his knees. Eric felt vulnerable. A cool breeze coming from the window chilled his already cold heart. He trembled, not because of the coldness but because of the desolate feeling in his heart.

Ma... Come home already, please.

Eric buried his face in his arms. He began to sob helplessly.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Eric thought it was his imagination at first, but when the knocks came again, he realized the sound was coming from outside. He quickly wiped his tears away.

He stood up and opened the front door.

Under the moonlit sky, David looked like a tall wanderer, mystified by the pale blue light of the moon that accentuated his features.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Eric was so shocked to see him at the wee hours of the morning.

David beamed his usual smile at him, his straight teeth illuminated by the moon glow. Despite his smile, David seemed to be distressed as well.

Eric suddenly noticed David's big backpack. "Fuck, did you leave home?!"

David stepped inside uninvited and settled on the couch. He sighed deeply.

"It's just for several days. Just wanted to take some time off to think."

Eric scratched his head irritatingly.

"You know we don't have enough room in this house, right?!"

"That's alright. I can sleep in the bathroom."

"It's not funny." Eric sat beside David. "Why did you leave home, ha?!"

"It's a long, complicated story." He turned to Eric. "Please, Eric, just let me stay here for several days. I promise I'll do the chores."

"Let you stay here? Well, haven't you already stepped inside, ha?" Eric felt helpless. He certainly wanted to be left alone, but he also didn't want to look like an inhospitable prick.

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