Chapter 62: Bittersweet Freedom

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The next school day, David found himself locked in his own room. His father, the great tyrannical Feng, forbade him to go to school until he relent in his own fervor in proclaiming his care, his love, his bond, or whatever the fuck it is that he has with Eric.

"Forsake him," his father had said early this morning. "Proclaim loudly that you would forget this boy, and I'll gladly free you!"

Of course, being the hardhead that he is, David did the opposite of what his father wanted him to do. At the top of his lungs he shouted, again and again, into infinity, words that in effect show his love for Eric.

David didn't care anymore if his "girlfriend" Xiaoge learns of his boyish love for Eric. Let the world know, let that bitch know, about the contents of my heart, David had thought. I don't care anymore.

He even wrote Eric Ray Mendoza's name on the walls of his room, until the white walls of his room turned into a dark jungle of doodly letters, hearts, and penis graffitis, all written in black ink of a pentel pen.

Occasionally, Marilyn the housemaid would bring him food, as ordered by the tyrannical Feng. And every time she entered the room, he met her with glowering eyes. "Free me!," He had screamed at her. "I know you and father are conniving to tear both of us apart! I won't let that happen!"

At one time, David tried to run to the door, but Marilyn never really got too far inside his room. She only stood at the doorway and quickly put his rationed food on the floor, and quickly went back out to lock the door again from the outside. So when David attempted to outrun her, it was no use. She had been near the door, always, and by the time David was at the doorway, the door had already been shut and locked.

The day went excruciatingly slow. He wasn't in the mood to watch TV, or play video games, or eat, or answer his phone that had been vibrating loudly probably due to Xiaoge's numerous messages, phone calls, and video calls; or even do anything at all. He just lay on his bed with arms opened wide lethargically, staring at the ceiling, thinking of his uncontrolled love for Eric.

The next day, David found himself sneaking out his narrow window early in the morning while the sun was still below the Earth's horizon.

The early morning dew sent a cool touch on his skin as he tiptoed through the flowered yard of their estate. Meeting the wall of the yard, he quickly and silently climbed like a cat and found himself on top of the wall overlooking the sweet freedom of the subdivision street.

"Stop!" Their house guard had shouted, pointing at him.

Of course, David didn't stop. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, he jumped from the top of the wall and horribly, his mortal body hit the pavement below.

David was kissing the post-dawn pavement, whimpering like a dog with some broken bones. "Shit..."

When he heard the gate being opened, he quickly but painfully got on his feet and limp-ran the hell away from their house.

From afar, the house guard ran after him. Several meters ahead a middle-aged guy was breathing the fresh morning air while riding his bike.

Nearing him, David shoved him out of his bike and got on the bike, quickly pedaling away. "I'm sorry!"

He pedaled and pedaled away from the house, morning breeze blowing against his face, iron-tasting blood filling his mouth.

He zoomed through the hilly streets of the subdivision, until finally he reached the highway and hailed a bus, whimpering in pain.

I'm coming, Eric...

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