Chapter 46: The Future Wife

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Chapter 46: The Future Wife

It was three in the morning, the witching hour, the time when Eric and David were wrapped against each other like a tight ball of tangled yarn. Their faces were an inch away from each other's, and though their breaths were warm on each other's skin, they couldn't feel a thing anymore because they've long been walking together in Dreamland.

It was the witching hour when the door flew open. It was so loud that David and Eric instantly opened their eyes and threw their gazes at the doorway.

A lean male figure was standing in the doorway. When light settled on his face, David realized it was his father Zhou Feng.

Oh fuck...

Feng was smiling proudly but he also had his eyebrows furrowed at the scene on David's bed. He stood with a posture that seemed to say, Surprise motherfuckas!

David rubbed his eyes hazily and sat on the bed. Eric likewise sat hazily and bowed at David's father.

"What are you doing here? I thought you're in a business trip?!"

David suddenly heard commotion outside the room, and even commotion coming from outside the house. Several things and luggages were being pulled and shoved inside the house. The maids' voices could be heard from a distance.

"I lied," Feng said. "We came to pick your future wife in the airport."

"What the f—?"

Marilyn suddenly appeared in the doorway and dramatically covered her mouth upon seeing his son on the same bed with David. She then whispered something at Feng's ear, before leaving.

Feng walked slowly towards the bed and in a quiet yet emphatic voice, said, "Get up, you two. What the hell do you think would your future wife say if she sees you with another guy, ah?!"

David gritted his teeth. He turned towards Eric and pulled him. He then whispered, "Let's continue some other time. I don't want you to see my father's dragon side."

Feng smiled then looked at the living room. While his eyes were away, David secretly planted a kiss on Eric's cheek. It was so brief that it seemed like a flash of light that quickly disappeared.

Eric was flustered and grabbed his rosy cheek.

You sneaky fox.

"Your guest should move to the guest room now," Feng said.

Carefully, Eric got his backpack and walked past Feng bowing his head as a sign of respect.

Feng grabbed his arm, stopping him. "You're Marilyn's son, aren't you?" There's something gleaming in Feng's eyes. They were something red, like ruby. "Marilyn wasn't lying when she said you're a handsome young man. Girls would surely go crazy over you."

Oh they already do.

"Thank you."

Feng drew closer to Eric's ear and whispered, "David's future wife is already here, boy."


Lazily, David dragged his feet to the living room that's already filled with baggages and luggages which are all designer brands. Even from far away, David could already smell the materialism emanating in the air.

The maids were still going back and forth, hauling things to the living room from outside. By the time they were finished, all the baggages seemed to have formed a castle of cowskin and leather boxes on the living room floor, towering like an empty, materialistic shell.

What David was dreading all this time finally appeared in the doorway carrying a luxurious, designer bullskin handbag.

"My God, Xiao-Lihong! I'm finally here!"

This unnecessarily cheerful, Chinese girl with bun hairstyle and powdered, puffy cheeks, ran like a mad dog towards David to embrace him.

He hopped on David's waist and the poor boy couldn't help catching her legs wrapped around him.

"Didn't I tell you I'd follow you here to the Philippines? Now I'm here, baobei!"

Feng observed these lovers contentedly, smiling to himself.

From the second floor balcony, Eric secretly looked at those two with a slight pain in his heart. He didn't know why he's feeling pain.

That's for the best, child, the priest's voice said inside his mind. Jesus approves. Now find another girl yourself so Jesus would be happier. Do it for Jesus.

David didn't know what to feel about Xiaoge suddenly being here in the country with him. Yeah, sure, when he got here in the Philippines he longed for her a little bit, because shortly before he left China, he and Xiaoge became closer to each other. He even began admiring Xiaoge's upbeat personality.

But now her cheerfulness annoys him.

"We haven't seen each other for months, but you've changed a lot, Lihong!"

"How, ah?"

"I don't know, but you have more muscles now, ah!"

"Could be the hot weather."

"How are you handling things, ah? Does someone bully you, ah? The weather too hot? Don't worry, now that I'm here, I'd take care of you. I'll never let you experience any discomfort. Whoever bullies you I'll mash their heads!

David shook his head. "I'm fine."

"What happened to your tongue? Why are you so quiet now?" Xiaoge hopped back to the floor from David's embrace.

"Am I?"

"Yeah! Did some primitive people cast a spell on you, ah? I heard Filipinos have all kinds of magic spells and witchcraft!" Xiaoge suddenly became aware of the Filipino maids around them. "Oops, not you all."

"Stop being silly, I'm just so tired right now."

Xiaoge looked at her rose gold designer watch and expressed theatrical astonishment. "You're right, it's three in the morning. Well I didn't mean to disturb your sleep, baobei. I was just too excited to come here." She looked at the ceiling, thinking. "Or maybe I had too much chocolates on the plane? You know how much I loved chocolates, right? The flight attendants dispensed chocolates like they were water, baobei! I snatched all of them from their hands and ate them!" She laughed manically in a high-pitched voice that it reminded David of a possessed young girl whose head turns 360 degrees.

I'm fucked, he thought anxiously.



Baobei (宝贝) - Chinese word which means baby, an endearment used by parents to their children, or by lovers to each other.

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