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( 16 part 2 ! )
sorry this is kinda short. I'll post tmro🙌🏻
word count: 581 words

I saw a lamp flash on I little ways in front of me, squinting to try and adjust my eyes to the light.
there stood a tall figure I couldn't make out because my vision has become a little hazy.
they stepped closer and kneeled down in front of me.
once my vision focused, I could see they're face clearly and was terrified by this fact.

it's finn.
I jumped and my heart beat started to escalate.

"you're awake!" finn said enthusiastically.

"do you feel okay? hungry? scared?" finn described in a tone full of energy.

"oh wait. there's tape on your mouth. sorry let me take that off for you." finn chuckled.

he ripped the tape off my face, causing me to yell in pain.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked back to him.

"better?" he asked, his face giving a sympathetic look.

"fuck you." I managed to get out, though my breath was shaky.

"oh don't worry, we'll do that later." finn smirked.

"holy hell. you're fucking crazy." l laughed.

"damn right I am." finns smirk dropped and his voice had gotten more serious.

finn grabbed my face, pushing my cheeks together.

"im gonna be right back, stay right there. oh wait. you can't go anywhere. you're tied up!" finn laughed.

what the hell happened to this boy I once loved?
finn came back down after about five minutes with a bowl filled with apple slices.

"here, I brought you food. you better fucking eat it. I made it just for you." finn said, rushing down the stairs.

"im not hungry." I said, my voice serious.

"what?" finn asked, his enthusiastic voice dropping.

"I don't want to eat your food. im not hungry." I looked down as I said what I did.

finn then smashed the glass bowl down onto the ground, making me flinch.

"yeah, I hope your not fucking hungry." finn stated, his voice stern.

"why." I simple stated.

finn turned around.

"why. why? it's because I love you, y/n. god, I'm fucking obsessed with you, and you do not understand how long I've waited to tell you. I've had to act like this perfect little bitch all of the fucking time." finn said, his voice getting louder.

"not anymore." I simply said, my head looking down at my shoes.

"excuse me?" finn asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I loved you at one point in my life. I loved the finn I knew. not the finn who ties my up in what..a basement? I don't love you. not anymore."

finn grabbed my face.

"you better fucking love me." finn said, his voice soft.

"no." I simply stated.

finn furrowed his eyebrows and let go of my face only for his hand to meet it again.
he slapped me straight across the face, leaving a red hand mark along my right cheek.

I could feel the tears swell up in my eyes, and the lump in my throat felt like I was getting stabbed in my throat.

"you are going to fucking love me whether you like it or not." I could tell finn was pissed.

finn walked back upstairs, and slammed the door shut.

i cried a lot in those few hours.
I regret saying the words I did.

I can't tell whether I love finn or not.
he's fucking crazy.

I just want to go home.

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