~Chapter 4~

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Today is the day. I'm leaving this house for the first time in years, and it's against my will. I'm being forced away.

I feel disgusting. I'm exhausted since I haven't slept for days. The tears I've cried has dried onto my face, making me feel somewhat... itchy? I don't know if anyone else could relate to how I feel, honestly.

I get out of bed, instantly feeling the cold on my skin. I ignore it and walk towards my windowsill. I look through the cracks of the curtains, the sun is only just beginning to rise.

I remember how much I used to love watching the sunrise when I was little, but now I've changed. It used to be so vibrant and beautiful, but now it only resembles a new day. New days that I dread.

I grab the old, dusty duffel bag from the top of my cupboard and begin to put clothes in it. I haven't used it since I was little, I haven't really had the need to.

"Tilly, I know that this is upsetting, and I'm quite upset too. But lets look at this as a new beginning. Imagine the new adventures and fun we will have in Melbourne," Shadow says from the windowsill. I choose to ignore him, and continue packing.


"Are you all packed, Matilda?" My mother asked. I motioned to the duffel bag laying on the floor, full of clothing. "Good, good."

"We will be leaving soon. It will take us a while to drive to Melbourne, so we'll be on the road soon. Your father has just gone to get petrol, so we won't have to stop for gas. He will be home soon."

"Yeah,' I reply simply.

Suddenly, I see my parents suitcases in the lounge room. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What's this?" I ask, staring at the bags.

"Uhh, I was going to tell you yesterday, but you stormed off. We are going to France after we drop you off. We'll take a plane there in Melbourne," my mother stated, fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh, so it's the perfect chance. Send me to a mental hospital then fly to France for a romantic holiday. I get it, I do," I said sarcastically, a tear rolling down my face. My dad suddenly appears next to her, holding her close.


"No dad. Let's just leave this at that, alright? I honestly don't want to know anything about your wonderful trip to France," I said, cutting my father off. My parents say nothing as they grab their and my bags, they don't have to tell me that we are leaving.

As we walked closer to the front door, my heart beat rose dramatically. I haven't been outside for a long time. I haven't felt the wind, smelt the fresh air for ages. I'm finally out.

My parents gave me what seemed to be a reassuring glance, before they opened the door. It is not how I remembered. It's so much more colourful and vibrant then it was looking through the cracks of my curtains. It's beautiful.

I follow my mum and dad outside slowly. It feels like a dream. Everything is different then what it is inside. Even the air is different. It feels lighter. It tastes fresher and cool. This new feeling is hard to explain.

"Come one, sweetie. We have to hurry now. We don't want people watching us, and we certainly don't want to be rushed," my father said, pushing me to the car slightly. I can't even experience this properly. I haven't been outside for so long, and I'm being shoved.

"But dad, there is no one around," I say, looking around quickly. There was no one in sight, it's to early for people to be outside.

"It doesn't matter. People can watch, even if you can't see them." He thinks I don't know that? Does he know what I go through everyday? Shadow watches me everywhere I go.

Instead of making any remark, I get into the backseat if the car. It took me a few seconds to remember how to open the door and put the seat belt on.

I only noticed that all the windows were tinted once I had the seat belt on. They were never tinted before, at least, from what I remember...

My father sits in the drivers seat, and my mum in the passenger. When dad started the car, I jumped a little. The noise was so strange. The vibrations were so weird. The feeling of us moving without actually moving was so different.

"We are finally out, Tilly. Time for the real fun to begin," Shadow says from beside me. I try not to let him destroy this moment for me, but it's difficult. He destroys everything.

"Are you okay, Matilda?" My mother looks back at me, and I only nod half consciously as I stare outside in awe. Out into the big world. She doesn't really care what I think anyway. When you are getting rid of a child, and can do it so easily, it only shows the amount of love they have.

My parents don't have a lot left for me anymore.


Posting two days in a row? How good is that?


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