~Chapter 4~

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I could tell that we were getting closer to Melbourne as the traffic got heavier, the population of people grew and the buildings got bigger. As we drove, I got more and more anxious.

"Umm... are we in Melbourne?" I ask in a small voice.

"Yes, we are here. We only have half and hour before we reach our destination," My mother said. Really, she means my destination. The place where I will be staying. I reply with an "Okay," before going silent again.

Shadow is still here, sitting right beside me. Making sure to make a comment on everything. "We are going to have so much fun, so much fun," Shadow says in my ear. I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second, so that I can calm down.

Then I remembered, "what about school?" I asked curiously my parents. Until now, I did online classes since I never left my house. I did all my school work, then submitted it through the internet to my teacher.

"Oh, you'll still be able to do your online classes. I asked about that the other day," Mum replied. I groan lightly. Great, she organised everything.

I continued to stare the window, thinking about the mental hospital in which I'll be staying at.


"We are here, Matilda." My Mum stated, undoing her seatbelt. Dad and I followed suit.

"I'll get her bag," Dad said. He's so enthusiastic to get rid of me.

The air here smelt different here. It smelt smoky, and of hot food. Fried food. I could almost taste the oily goodness. I looked around me. There was a massive building in which that store I front of us, staring. It consisted of grey stone and white concrete. I think that it's supposed to be calming, but the massive sign saying "St Kilda Mental Care" seemed intimidating.

There were flowers growing in many colours and trees that stood tall. The plants downplayed the fact that complete whacked up people stay here. Shadow laughed, making me wince.

"Do I really have to stay her, Mum?" I asked my mother who stood next to me.

"Matilda, we discussed this earlier. You know why we are doing this," she frowned, and looked over her shoulder to look for Dad.

My father came over with my duffel bag in his hand. "Why is this so heavy, Matilda? Jeez." I rolled my eyes at him.

"It only has all my clothes in it, Dad," I say sarcastically, earning a slight slap on the shoulder my Mum.

"Don't speak to him like that, it's disrespectful. Anyway, are we all ready to go?" My mum said.

"Sure, lets see what other crazy people I'll run into—"

"Matilda. Stop," my mother said harshly.

"Don't stop, Tilly. They need the punishment. They did send you here after all," Shadow whispered, and I'm tempted to listen to him.

"Okay, let's go then," my father spoke up. My parents start walking towards the building, expecting me to follow.

"You know, we could run away now, while your parents isn't watching. It could be perfect. They will miss their flight to France, and we will escape that place," Shadow spoke up. It's a great idea. I could escape so easily now.

I stop for a second, thinking about my options.

"Come on, Tilly! Now or never!"

Then I made me decision. I run. I could hear my parents call for me. I could hear more people from inside come outside, but I don't stop.

Soon, I've managed to run out of sight, but I continue until I'm sure.

Being all alone makes the streets seem bigger. There are so many people around. I'm not used to this at all.

I try not to run into anyone, but it is difficult. Everywhere is crowded. People turn to look back at me, but I don't give them a second glance.

"Good job Tilly. Good job," he says as I run.

"Don't call me that," I say, and he just laughs in glee.


I'm hungry.

I'm thirsty.

I'm tired.

I'm sore.

I should never have ran away.

I should have thought this through.

It's beginning to get dark, and everyone is pretty much gone. It's only me and Shadow now.

"Tilly, turn down this street," he tells me, and I listen. I've gone this far listening to him, so I might as well continue obeying.

I turn down the street, and I his laughter gets louder and louder. It's never good when he laughs this loudly...

"Let's play a game, Tilly..." Shadow said before going completely silent.

"No, no... Shadow, no. No games," I pleaded, suddenly becoming completely scared. Shadow's games are cruel.

Suddenly, a whole bunch of new shadows appear around me. Dark, massive and terrifying. As I cower into a dark corner, they crawl closer. There is no getting away.

"Shadow! This isn't fun! Stop!" I yell, but got no response. I begin to feel tears prick in my eyes.

The shadows begin laughing as they come closer, like what Shadow did. "Tilly," they tease.

"P-please. Leave me alone," I say silently, putting my legs up, so that they cover my face.

I felt something touch my shoulder, and I look up to find myself staring into a pair of dark blue eyes. They were electrifying, mysterious. Finally, I slide my eyes over their facial features.I gasp in shock, I've never seen anyone so beautiful.

A boy my age kneeled In front of me. They hand perfect, soft brown hair that covered his forehead messily. It looked like they only just weaved a hand through it. Even though they were kneeling, they seemed tall. Taller then me anyway.

It's funny because Shadow has never created anything like this before.

"Please don't hurt me," I come out of my daze, covering my face with my hands.

They removed their hand from my shoulder. "It's okay, you are safe. I won't hurt you," an unfamiliar voice spoke, making me shiver inside. Their voice was cold, but somehow soft. It was nothing like I've ever heard before.

I slowly move my hands from my face and stare at the person. My heart was beating so fast, it felt as if it would explode at any moment.

I stare back into their dark, mysterious eyes before everything went dark. Before everything went quite for the first time in a while.

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