~Chapter 9~

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Lunch was finished, so Ellie, Scott and I are now in the games room. We were playing a game of UNO. I was physically there, but my head was in the clouds.

They have been so kind to let me hang around them, and it is nice being around people my age, but I can't build close connections with anyone. Not if I'm going escape soon. I'm just building up to the right time, which may be a while. I have to seem like I'm not planning anything, and the little stunt I pulled earlier is causing everyone to keep watch on me.

"Good plan, Tilly. Maybe we can use these people to help us while we are at it..." Shadow suggested, and I can't help but feel that it might be a good idea.

Then it came to me. Reality hit me hard at this very moment, like a bunch of bricks. My parents are not around, no one I actually know is around, so why should I care? I can do what I want, say what I want, and believe what I want.

"I like you better like this, my dear Tilly. You're so much more fun!" And I agree.

I snapped out of my little trance just as Scott starts yelling. "Yes!!!! I win!!" Scott calls out, leaping up from his seat as Ellie sinks deeper into hers.

"No fair, you cheated!" Ellie mumbles, but Scott hears.

"No I did not—" and this is where the arguments begin. I stay silent and watch, finding their loud conversation interesting.

I'm going to get out of here. Hopefully sooner then later.

Then I find myself staring outside. I so desperately wanted out. I wanted to feel the sun. I wanted to feel the wind and smell the flowers.

"Uh, Matilda? Are you okay?" Ellie questions, and I turn towards her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just want to go outside," I say, taking another glance out the window.

"You can go outside, do you want us to come with you?" Scott asked, and I quickly shook my head 'no.'

"No, no. I just want to be alone for a bit," I said, forcing my face to form a small smile. Scott's happy, joyful expression dropped, now showing... worry? Ellie simply gave me a small smile.

"That's alright, we'll be here," Ellie said, turning back to Scott who now was breathing more shallow. I must have been confused, as Ellie said, "He just has anxiety attacks sometimes. Sometimes they can be massive, ands some days they are insignificant. He will be okay, I'll look after him."

But I stood frozen. It was like he was suffocating. Ellie turned back to me, and mouthed 'go,' but I stood there and stared. I had anxiety attacks sometimes, when Shadow wouldn't leave me alone. I knew what it was like.

"Scott, deep breathes. Focus on my voice," She said, rubbing his back. Other people must have figured something was wrong as people in uniforms crowded in.

"Come on, Tilly! Go outside!" And I listened, and walked outside without glancing back and Scott and Ellie.

It was massive, but no one told me it was just a courtyard. I was outside, but I was boxed in around all the tall, white concrete building that were part of this mental health ward. My mood dropped slightly, causing Shadow to giggle beside me.

I looked around. A few people were out here. Some were reading and were talking to their friends, while others walked around, stopping ever so often to get a closer look of the flowers.

Eucalyptus trees stole tall, dancing in the light breeze. There were beautiful flowers growing in various colours, shapes and sizes. But what caught my eye the most was the white roses.

I walked towards them, taking in every breath of fresh air and feeling the soft breeze that fanned my face. At this moment, I couldn't seem to focus on anything else other then the roses.

I reached to touch one of the soft, delicate petals— "it's nice out here, isn't it?" A voice startled me, causing me to quickly take my hand away, it was like I was a small child being being caught putting my hand in the cookie jar after I was told not to.

I whipped my head in the voice's direction, to see who it belonged to. It couldn't have been Shadow's, his is more raspy.

I was confused. Who stole in front of me was the same boy from before, but instead he wore a pair of black glasses, denim jeans and a black shirt. He sat on one of the benches that was only a few feet away with a book in his hands. It's weird how I didn't see him before, I would have had to pass him to reach the white roses.

I stood frozen in place, surprised. He must be an illusion, like everything else Shadow creates. Shadow laughed at this.

"I create everything fun, Tilly," he whispered in my ear, and I shivered.

Still, he waited for an answer. He expected me to reply. "Um, yeah. I suppose so," I said eventually.

"So, we didn't meet on good terms yesterday, did we?" His voice is just how I remember. He stood up, and walked closer. It took all my power not to move away.

Then he was right in front of me. "My name is Noah," he said with a smile, but I didn't smile back.

"He took us back here, Tilly. He took us to this awful place. He thinks that you are crazy," Shadow said furiously from right beside me.

"You," I simply said. Then his wide smile never shrunk. "You took me here."

"Well, not really. I called the police, and they said that they were searching for you. I waited until they came and picked you up, And I didn't think that they would bring you here. Coincidences are fun like that," he replied.

"He's lying, Tilly! He took us here!" Shadow pipes up again.

I say nothing and begin walking away. I want nothing to do with him, especially when he's seen how crazy I am for himself.

"You know, I have a sister here. I didn't come here to stalk you," Noah called out. I never glanced back.


I just entered the Wattys2019!! I've never entered this competition before, so it's exciting!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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