~Chapter 7~

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They all stare at me in shock. "Uh, how's your day going?" I ask, chuckling nervously as I lean against the door frame. All these people made me uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here?" A voice from the group spoke up softly, but harshly. It belonged to a male. They stepped out from among the group with his arms crossed over. He had pepper-salt hair, and dark circles around his eyes. He seemed tired, and definitely annoyed.

"Funny question, that is," I say, trying to think of an excuse. "Water. I was thirsty so I left. It's not like I was making a run for it or anything—" I knew very well that there was water back in that isolating room, but I wasn't going to mention that.

I was cut of my another voice. This time it was the person behind me. "Yeah, right. And you think there was water in my room?" She shoved me slightly, so that I'm out of her door way. She was pissed, it doesn't take a genius to find that one out.

I turned to look at her, but had to look up. She was tall. Taller then me. She, like the man from the group, had her arms crossed over. She had what was once bright pink hair, but it's fading, it's obvious that she isn't allowed to re-dye her hair here. It also looks like she used to have piercings in her ears, nose and lip, but they have been terminated. Now all that's left in red markings and holes in her face.

When I didn't reply, she looked over my shoulder and said, "Andrew, this can not be allowed. This bitch can't walk into peoples rooms all casually. It's against the rules."

My cheeks burn red, I know that I'm blushing. "Tilly is in trouble~" Shadow whispers in my ear.

"—down Cally. Mind your language. It's okay, she's new," someone from the group spoke up.

"Yeah, and that gives her the right to dance around, going into peoples rooms?" Cally, speaks up, rolling her eyes.

"This is your chance to make a run for it again. They seem to be distracted," Shadow says. I always tell myself I won't listen to him, but he always comes up with the best ideas.

So, I time myself carefully, making sure the attention isn't on me. Then I run.

"Wait! Stop!" I hear everyone call as they immediately break into a sprint to chase me. But I don't stop.

This hallway seems to go on forever. The yellow doesn't seem to end, but there must be a way out. There must be an exit.

I look behind me quickly to see that they are quickly catching up. How am I going to escape so many people?

Then suddenly, I run into something. It was a wall. I came towards a dead end. I can't escape.

Holding my head I look up at the group of people, if they weren't pissed off earlier, they certainly are now. "Uh, yeah. I was still looking for water. Massive place, this is. Easy to get lost." I say nervously.

"Miss Matilda, you can't run off like that," the man from earlier, Andrew, steps out in front. This dude was already on my hate list.

"Like I said, I wanted water," my expression turns into a cold glare.

"There was water in your room, we left some for you." My eyes widen. Oh damn, I was caught out. I don't say anything. It's best to say silent in situations like this.

"But since you are awake now, I can show you around," Andrew says, shrugging.

"Umm, okay," I agree. If I get shown around, I'll know where everything is. I'll know where the escapes would be.


It was only Andrew and I now. Everyone else left earlier, fortunately. We walked through these endless, empty hallways in silence. Where is everyone? Why is it so quite?

"Where is everyone?" I asked quietly, but I seemed louder the what I intended. He heard me clearly.

"Well, everyone is at lunch, so that would explain why it's so silent. Everyone has a time table, there are activities, therapy, group therapy and meals everyone must attend. Of course, there will be times where you can do what you want, with rules and instructions. You will get your time table soon enough, don't worry."

"Wait, so there is times for everything? What if I miss something?" I ask, confused.

"You get in trouble. Punishments can be extra therapy sessions, limited free time activities, just stuff like that," he states. "No one likes the punishments, so most people follow rules."

"So we get free time, but it's limited?"

"There is rules for everything, Matilda. You will learn that soon. There is no electronics, apart for television when we allow it. That's our biggest rule," he says

"So, What are we allowed to do then?" I scoff. This is ridiculous. I'd rather be at home.

My attitude doesn't seem to effect him."You can socialise, of course. There will be many people here and lots of time to make friends. You can read books, play card and board games, and go outside, there is still heaps to do that doesn't involve electronics," he lists them off.

"Outside? We can go outside?" My eyes widen? It's so unusual. This was never allowed at home.

"Of course," he smiles at my reaction. "Oh, we made our first stop."

We stop suddenly, standing before me is a massive room. It was full of board games, card games and books. There were couches and placed against walls, book shelves as well. There was also a massive tv which hind from a wall. The walls were painted a soft, delicate blue, but it lost its feel once I saw the massive hole in one of them. I tried to seem like I didn't noticed but it was difficult.

It was to bright, too many colours.

"This is our games room. You can hang around here when you have nothing on your time table at certain times. You are also welcome to go outside," he points out to the windows and the door leading outside. The garden was so pretty. There was so many different types of flowers. Andrew smiled at my awe.

"Okay, So now I'll show you the reception," he says, Indicating for me to follow.

We walk down another hallway, but it seems shorted this time. "This is our reception. Everyone here is lovely and wonderful to talk to. If you have a question, I'm sure they will know they answers," he waves to the ladies spitting behind their computers with a huge smile on his face. They wave back.

Why is he so cheerful? Why is he so happy? There is nothing to be happy about, does he forget the type of people he's dealing with? We are all crazy.

Then I notice the glass doors. I smile softly to myself. I pretend like I don't notice anything special and put a frown on my face.

"And just down here are the phones. We have times where you can use these to call your parents family and friends from home. You can't stay on the phone for to long, or we will disconnect your call. Every phone call you make on these will be monitored and recorded, so be careful with what you say. It might bite you in the back one day," he says in a playful tone. Great. Just great. This is just what I needed. I'm trapped here, like in a prison, and they are monitoring everything I say and do.

I say nothing and continue to follow him. Saying nothing is for the best.

"And our last stop for today is the cafeteria. You will come her for all your meals and eat here too."

It reminds me of a school cafeteria. There is a place where you line up and get your meal and a bunch of tables and chairs where you sit and eat. Everyone stopped and looked up at me. They all stared for a good minute for whispering to their friends. Yep, just like how you imagine high school.

Then I say Cally. She was sitting with a bunch of people and chatting happily. She seemed so... alive. But then she saw me, she immediately turned sour. Yep... just like how you imagine high school...

I gulp and tug on the sleeves of my shirt. "It's okay to be nervous. You'll be okay after a while. Everyone is," Andrew states softly. "I'm sure you are hungry, so I'll let you eat," and then I notice how hungry I am. I haven't eaten for a long time. "I'll be back later with your time table." He smiles and waves before leaving me to face all these people. 

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