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Revival from the world,

Ending the envy,

Solidarity in what you do,

Proud of what you are,

Expanding the inner peace,

Controlling the anger,

Tolerating the highs and lows of nature;

Value of a person,

Not by the deeds though.

But, truth is it?

What do you know?

I think revival it is,

What respect means to me.

From all the bad dreams,

And the reality that I see.

Growing every day,

Every second now.

A new form of respect,

Words can't be found.

But yet,

What is respect, you ask of me,

A word made up,

Or feeling to care about thee.

I think it's about reendowing,

What you think and what you want.

It is about eternal love

Selflessness towards all living and dead.

The Pain of the suffering only you know about

Ending the ego and moving the drought

Caressing the wounds by care

The Time is given to those, who are rare.

It might be just a word...

But a meaning so deep

Only a few can know of

They are yours to keep.

The amount of gratitude

That one feels

When you give respect

Silent in solitude.

Hard to express,

The inner turmoil,

All these feelings

Buried deep in the soil.

Just like Icarus

I might fly high,

Bring me down then,

Right by your side.

Respect is earned,

Just like trust.

Don't let it burn,

Like a pizza crust.

So many words,

That I want to say.

What respect means to me,

In each and every way.

The hurricane inside me is so high,

I can't find the words, I might just cry!

So respect others,

For you, will be treated the same.

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