Fears of Love

18 4 7

Haunted love,

You tore me apart;

Left me alone,

Where do I start?

Scary nights,

Afraid of the dark;

Fears come alive,

Where do I start?

Haunted fears,

Not ready to fight them;

All by myself,

Where do I start?

Years have passed,

But you are still in my head;

Making me scared,

Where do I start?

A day each passed,

Is another survived;

Haunted love,

Where do I start?

Ghosts of pain,

Follow me everywhere;

Like shadows of light,

Where do I start?

Lightning strikes,

Up in the sky;

So does in my heart,

Where do I start?

Your eyes are the clouds,

That drenches me with rain;

Now cold as ice I stand,

Where do I start?

Broken heart,

A million pieces on the ground;

Left me to pick them up,

Where do I start?

It's been a while,

Haven't seen you;

Your beautiful eyes,

Where do I start?

You don't remember me,

Nor our time together;

If you are ever free,

Where do I start?

At night, when I sleep,

Your face is all I see;

Haunting me with sweet visions,

Where do I start?

In the morning, when I wake,

Your voice is all I hear;

Haunting me with loving words

Where do I start?

When I write down words,

Your hands are all I feel;

Haunting me with your touch,

Where do I start?

When I drink that cup of coffee,

Your lips are all I remember;

Haunting me with the taste,

Where do I start?

When I pass those flowers,

Your fragrance is all I whiff;

Haunting me with your smell,

Where do I start?

Now you know,

All I need is you,

And you were my whole;

Where did I fail?

That you left me broken apart;


Entry for Wattpad Poetry Monthly contest - October is Spooky

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