My Dreams, You

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Every night, before I slept, I always kept you in my mind, heart and soul.
You were the light. You were the night. You were my shadow.
My deepest fear. My sweetest near.

I used to build dreams about you.
Every single night.
You were always there.
Wherever i saw. Wherever i went.
You were there.

You had my heart,true.
But I was afraid.
I never said that to you.
Afraid, you might flip.
Afraid,you might leave.

And the day i feared..
Had come too soon,
For I talked to you.
And alas!
You didn't want to.

You said i was a waste of time,
You wanted nothing to do with me.
I begged you to please,
Listen to atleast something i have to read.
You said , my words were useless,
For they had no meaning,
And I was wasting your time,
For I was a living baggage.

I was sad and broken,
Emotional and a wreck;
You crushed me with your all,
Untill i was no more.

I was a living dead,
Walking around like a zombie.
No feelings,
No emotions,
Just a body,
And no soul,
All because of you.

I wish you had heard,
My words and my heart,
That were all you.

When i look back at those times,
I wish i could cry,
For they've dried up now,
And  no more tears,
They're all dry.

I remember your smile,
Even today,
It's still the very best,
Memory of you,
I've gained.

6 years now,
Haven't heard from you,
I hope you're happy,
And healthy,
And wealthy too.

I just sit here and wonder,
If you ever think of me,
How typical,
I laugh dryly.

Well i must be going insane,
If now i laugh all alone,
Yes, alone,
Is all you left me,
And no one wants me.

Better off gone,
I might just jump from here,
Or might just burn,
Or maybe hang from the ceiling,
What do you reckon?

If you're reading this,
And feeling down,
Cheer up,
You might have someone,
Who will keep you alive.

But here i shall stay,
Forever and more,
Alone this way.

No pity,
I don't need it,
Need love and care,
Can you give it?

This night is long,
And day is short,
But you in my dreams,
Are forever hurt.

True when they say,
Love is a game they play,
With hearts so weak,
Just like mine,
And just like yours,

Babe, why don't you speak! 

Dreams are dreams until you fulfil them,
But what if those dreams,
Just haunt you naked.

Words you spoke then,
Words you spoke now,
Forever carved,
In depth of my soul!

You might have given me a chance,
To talk and explain,
But alas! You were to prideful to sway.

You'll always have a place here,
In my heart, soul and mind.
A place full of fears,
A place where all lie my tears.

The cause of pain,
Well you must know,
Oh it's you...
The one in stranger's dew.
The rejection still feels new,
The pain is still raw,
The scars are fresh,
Oh heavens , i never saw.

Once you were my sanity,
Once you were my clarity.
Now i know,
It was you and your emotions,
Playing with my heart and soul,
No more now,
I shall say..
Enough said I,
I shall leave today!


Taurazee xoxox

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