Untitled Dreams

10 3 4

I had a dream,
Maybe two more.
I was seven,
Some things I had hoped for.

A doctor?
Yes,I did.
But in the air it vanished,
Away from me,it hid.

A few years later,
A new dream,
In my eyes for the future,
I wonder why,
I never walked that path.

Curious about stars,
And everything in the sky.
Little sparkling dots of hope,
I talked with every night.

I wished to touch them,
And hold them tight.
Close to my heart,
Every single day and night.

Then the time came,
When I grew up more.
I was a teen,
No longer a kid,
And any longer, not so keen.


A very random poem I think... I dont remember when or for what I wrote it.

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