Little Rebel

13 5 2

I am a rebel,
I am just a piece of shit;
Full of trouble.

I am the one always skipped;
Alone since forever,
No one could ever make me kept;

Thrown away like used paper;
No one knows it hurt,
My pillows, my bed,
Blankets and other things;
Closest I'll have,
May be even as best friends;

Useless they say,
A dead room I live in.
On my knees I pray,
Every night, to wash away the sins and pain.

Look around me,
And you shall see,
Standing alone,
A lone tear flowing down,
A broken smile,
And heart on sleeve.

But someday,
Y'all will wish,
For the day when I'm gone,
You hadn't broken me down,
Into a million pieces!!

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