Chapter 30: Arnab

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The mountain loomed in front of us, a domineering slab of rock in the middle of a seemingly empty desert. The music behind us stopped played. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

"Nearly there," I panted, "Nearly there."

Within ten minutes, we were at the mountain base, gasping in air. Our backs against the rock, we slid down to the sand, waiting for our hearts to still their crazy rhythms.

My head throbbed with the force of blood, the side of my neck pulsating wildly.

"We'll start climbing in a few minutes," Cogaje said.

"You know what I realized," I said.

"What?" The Prince's eyes were closed as he rested his head back.

"We don't need any food or water in this Realm."

He shrugged, his eyes still closed. "We're in death, it makes sense."

Closing my eyes, I nodded. "I guess you're right."

"I know I am."

I turned to look at the Prince, who was watching me with a grin.

"Of course you do, Your Royal Highness."

He threw some sand at me, still grinning. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll be royalty, too."

"If I get back to a Human village, I'll be sure to look for a prince," I smiled.

"Look no further," he said, bowing his head slightly and theatrically waving his hand at the wrist. "I am at your service."

"You're a Lizsard," I said, laughing, "And I'm a Human."

"So?" he said seriously. "Are we really that different?"

"We're a completely different Race, Cogaje, you know this," I shook my head.

"But what do Races mean, really? It just means we were born in different places to different families." He closed his eyes again and leaned back against the mountain base. "You know, Lizsards and Jinns are cousins, and yet we act like we're completely different from each other."


"Mm-hmm. Jinns are actually a cross between Lizsards and Humans, and Genies are a mix of Jinn, Humans and Ghosts. And Skeletons, like Farsooth, are a mix of Humans and Ghosts."

"We're all connected," I said.

Cogaje nodded. "We all came from the Animals, and yet we think we're so much better than them. That's why all of the Races are so separated. I'm hoping meeting with the Jinns will change that."

"What?" I said. "You came on this journey to unite Lizsards and Jinns?"

"Partly," Cogaje said, "My father won't allow it, but I'll be King someday, and I figure I'd better start working on building a better relationship with Jinns, because I don't want any more wars between us. And Humans, we can't keep kidnapping them to sit on Eggs." He turned to look at me with a grin, "Because I know how much you all love doing that."

I grumbled, "No."

"That's what I thought."

"But how are you going to convince Lizsards and Jinns to like each other."

"I'm not sure," he shrugged, "But I'll think of something. If I learn more about them, the Jinns, I mean, then maybe it'll give me more ideas."

I looked at the Prince in awe.

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