•The Beginning of a Long Day•

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"Dude, wake up." I wake my brother Ethan, up to the smell of delicious blueberry pancakes. I hold the plate up to his face. "Dude, get that out of my face before I throw up!" He starts gagging and I burst into laughter. I forgot Ethan was allergic to blueberries.. Or maybe I didn't.

"Not funny jackass!" he says and shoves me while he gets out of bed, almost making me drop my cakes. "Hey! Language. You know mom doesn't like when the youngsters curse." He scoffs. "Shut up asshat." He pushes me aside and walks to the bathroom.

I laugh and walk to my room. It takes a minute for him to get back to his room and realize what time it is. He screams. "I fucking hate you Tobi!" I snort my ass off and go back to sleep peacefully, that is until Ethan comes into my room with a bucket of ice. "What the fuck I wrong with you Ethan?" I scream and immediately jump out my bed. "We are not starting this shit this year bitch!" He threatens me and storms out.

"Asshole." I mumble to myself. Every year at the beginning of the school year since "dad" left, Ethan and I have this prank war thing. Even though it helps us to bond and get along, mom hates it. One of us either ends up in the ER, Detention, or Grounded.

I find extra sheets and a blow dryer. I start blow drying my bed for like 30 minutes before my mom comes in and sees what I'm doing. She rolls her eyes and walks back to her room. 10 more minutes of blow drying my bed and my dryer blows out. "Shit." I put on new sheets and find a spot that's dry enough for me to sleep.

I didn't get an hour of sleep before my alarm goes off. I didn't get any sleep period. I woke up at 2 to prank Ethan, he woke me up to ice at 3 and my alarm is for 5. And I had a hard time falling asleep in the first place.

I stumble out of bed and go to the bathroom to morning routine. My MR is similar to most guys my age except as a gay man, it's a little different. I think of hot guys and celebrities that I may or may not have a crush on instead of females and nudes.

Just as Troye Sivan puts my member in his mouth, he turns into someone else. Another platinum blonde; Asher. I open my eyes and scream. "What the fuck?" I say under my breath.

"That was weird," I say aloud. "What was weird?" Ethan sneaks up behind me. "Woah, dude! Never sneak up on a man when he's masturbating. It's creepy." I say. He scoffs. "Sorry, 'man'" he laughs and grabs his toothbrush.

We 'share' a bathroom. There's three and a half bathrooms in all but for some damn reason, Ethan loves using mine. I think just to embarrass me when I'm handling my 'business'. "I honestly couldn't care any less about you masturbating." he grabs my toothpaste.

"And it's really none of my business but," He starts and I roll my eyes. Ethan always does this. He starts off with "It's really none of my business but," and says something that's totally none of his business, but he makes it his business.

"Since it's my bathroom too, I think you should jack off in your room. In your bed. Like a normal dude." "Thanks but, no thanks. I am obligated to wank where ever I want. Just as you said, it's my bathroom too." I put it away and wash my hands.

"But you'll be moving out to go to college so this will all be mine. Good riddance big bro." he waves bye to me in the mirror and I shove him into the wall. "Dick." "Asswipe." "Bitch." "Jizz swallower." "Boys!" We freeze.

"You two need to stop with this back and forth and I mean it this time. This 'prank war' is getting pretty old, pretty quick and I'm sick of it." she walks out of our bathroom and we stand there in silence brushing our teeth.

It doesn't take long before one of us breaks and starts bawling with laughter. Mom always does her "anti prank war" speech thinking that one day we'll finally listen. We never do. We tell her it's a waste of her time and breath but she doesn't listen. And she wonders where we get it from.

We do our normal morning switch; I take a shower while Ethan goes to his room and does his jerks him self off, or whatever douche stuff he does, then I get out and get dressed while he goes in and 'showers' in body spray, and we come down to breakfast where my mom is cooking just in time for-

"What's popping Fishels!" Asher bursts through the door. "What's good Ash?" Ethan goes up to him and they fist bump. I try not to look at him. He walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Tobi? You OK? You don't look too good. Sit down." He sits me down on the couch.

Something about him, about the way I view him, is different all of a sudden. "Tobi, honey?" I hear, not paying attention to whose voice it is. "Yes babe?" I respond and my eyes immediately open wide. "I-I mean yes mom?" "Do you need to lay down?" I don't say anything. "Asher, sweetie, why don't you take Tobi to his room." "No!" I yell. They all jump back; even I did.

"I-I mean, no, I'm fine. Just hungry." I fake smile and walk to the kitchen. "Oh, OK. Well breakfast is ready. Asher's sitting next to you as always so just let him know what's wrong if you don't want to talk to me or Ethan. OK?" Mom tell me. "I will." 'not.'

We circle around the table and start eating. I can feel myself starting to rise as I watch Asher eat his pancakes. 'he sure looks cute eating those pancakes.' Feeling a little bit embarrassed, I start to get red and get up from the table. "Excuse me." I go to the bathroom to relieve myself. 

I can tell it's gonna be a long day.

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