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Always in moments like would actually doubt if love is really for you. Memories throw back to me each and every one. The sweet moments, gullible I would say, always being mesmerised, fooled by those sweet words by men. Those sweet are what cause me to be in love and then the bitter moments came, the part where I would then realised everything about 'being together forever', 'I miss you', 'I love you'. Lies! All painful yet sweet lies. Like a beautiful rose with thorns on it.

Got hook, approach and then pain.

But after each hook, after each approach the feelings that are being invested are slowly becoming lesser and lesser. Due to the pain. Fear that is. Fear of getting pain. Fear of investing too much and then left with no return except for agony inside you. Then these feelings started to grow, like a plant.

First a seed, then a seedling before getting bigger and bigger.

Yet after all these times, we still get hooked. Only difference is that, after getting hooked, in the process of approach and we start to back off. To start thinking if it was right. That if we invested like before, would we get hurt? All our actions are being considered, reconsidered. Then we start to doubt on the rose, that if it is really what it say it is.

Trust became unstable cause this is the time when we, fell in love.

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