His Attention

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"So hey, you from Singapore huh?" He asked, after drawing a seat beside me.
Why does he seems so comfortable with everything? While I am not?
From the conversation of him with his bros, he seems like the type who is popular and hit on girls or get hit on all the time. No wonder starting a conversation, sitting beside a new girl is so natural to him. Natural... this is going to be troublesome.
He seems not at all startled by my short reply.
"My name is Gilbert Show, but you can call me Gig." He continued.
I wonder why his nickname is Gig? Curiosity consumes me. I think my extroverted mode is switching on.
"Why is it Gig? I mean Gilbert and Gig there isn't a link..." I asked, turning towards him.
"Oh that, it's because when I first came to the middle school. I accidentally wrote Gilbert to Gigbert. I was sure that I wrote 'l' instead of a 'g' but I guess sleepiness consumed me and, I miswrite it. Ever since then, people called me Gig. Cause you know Gigbert, it sounds so weird!"
He is definitely a entertainer. The question itself should be a common one, he did not even blink an eye when I asked him that.
"Haha" eyes turned towards us, opps.
"Hi, I'm Lila. You can call me Lil if you want."
"Okay, Lil. So how's life in Singapore?"
"Um, different...?"
God, what kind of question is this! It's so awkward!
"Haha, I know obviously, that it's different. What I meant was any specific areas of different. I always read from the news that Singapore is a multi races country. Is that true? Like, even if it is, doesn't discrimination happens? I mean here, it happens, and it is not just about the colour you know."
"Ya it's true. Though sometimes we may be a bit racist in the way we speak but, we don't meant harm. Honestly, I myself don't mind having a Indian friend sitting beside me. Plus, I was in Student Council. I met different people of different country and races. Is it possible for me to be discriminated? I am...different from y'all." I asked, afraid of what I seen in movies would happen to me.
He looked startled, by my question. I guessed no one asked a popular guy like him whether or not he or she will be the victim.
"That depends, on who you want to provoke, and who wants to include you in their groups. You see those clinks? They present due to a reason. People of the same background, same popularity, same likings are in one group."
"So what you meant is that, if someone popular like you include me in the clinks, I would be accepted by the class?"
He is being smart. If he want to flirt or date me, this is a smooth move.
"Nope, if you become my girlfriend. You would be accepted by the school. Didn't you know how popular I am cutie?" He winked at me.
I am disgusted...he is way too confident.
"Uh...we better listen to Ms Madness."
I said, and looked back to the teacher as she teach us mathematics, one of my strongest subject. Though, I know there must be a difference in syllabus.
The whole time, I felt a burning stare beside me. I can barely concentrate. I am still thankful of the peaceful music of rain on my right ear. It actually helped.
The next few periods fly by, we eventually separated, and now I am at my last period before lunch, Biology. I figured that I would rather take a subject I am better and more interested in, rather than one that I would do badly, and have zero interest in. I do not know if I am in the favour of gods, cause Gig went to Chemistry, the subject that I have zero interest in, making us to separate ways. Finally. Before science lesson was actually literature and english, and we are both in the god damn class for 1.35hours! What a coincidence... one that I prefer not to have.
But, Luke, the new guy is in the same class as me this time. He saw me and wave at me vigorously, that made half of the class to look at the entrance, at me.
After one is gone, another one now! Ahhh! Bless me, god. That he is different from Gig.
I plastered a smile, walk towards him and seat down.
I suppose that is the only seat left. The others are all filled, or have one seat left but it is beside another person and all of them are boys. I recognise a few of them. Gig's bros. I am so not going back to him and his gang.
"Hey, new girl."
I laughed, he is not as bad as I thought. At least, not like Gig. He is towards the humour type of boys.
I thought of a respond to his, "Hey, new boy. Whatcha doing in Washington and not in Texas?" I said, while drawing a chair on the left. Beside the window...he likes the outside as well huh.
I suppose I amused him. He smirk.
"Great, though I must say the scenery in Texas is way better. The air is fresher, and there are horses and cowboys everywhere!"
"Hahaha. Are you one of them?" I questioned.
"Sure do! Hee-ya! Don't I look like them?" He said, imitating a cowboy on the horse with a whip.
"You should be a comedian! I would pay to watch you! I exclaimed. My crazy laughing mode is being switched on.
I wonder how long has it been since I last switched it on...
Before mum and dad's divorce, probably during the Student Council '18 camp. Camp is only of those events where you can see me smiling, laughing away like crazy. It was one of the rare sight that are always present in camps.
"Really? How much would you pay me then?"
"Hmm, $5 in Sing dollars. Probably about 3-4plus bucks in USA? I'm not really sure."
"Okay but is that for one hour or the entire day? You know a man like me so famous, you can't just pay me 3-4bucks for a entire day out with me you know." He is very cheeky. Reminds me of my dad's nephew.
"Hahaha, ya, right. Mr Famous, but you know I am not that rich to pay you the amount you want."
"Oh ya you-"
"Class, let's start today lesson shall we." A loud, deep voice interrupts our conversation.
Lets talk later during lunch cool? He wrote on my paper.
Cool. I responded.
I kinda like how this conversation was going. He is really cool to hang out with. Funny.
The class went out pretty well, and it turns out that Biology's syllabus in Washington D.C. is about the same as Singapore. Though the teacher is better at teaching and, Luke though it does not show but, he is pretty good in Biology. Did not know cowboys are good in science hmm, interesting.
"Hey, so where are you going to eat? Outside? Cafeteria?" He asked. His stuff all in his messenger bag, while I am still packing my things. As fast as I can. I do not really like to let people wait, especially when they are in front of me.
"Um, I am going to meet my sis at the cafeteria and eat there. We're not that familiar with the area yet, and we are kinda bad with roads and maps. So ye."
My pencil case going into my small sling bag.
"Cool. Let's go then."
"Okay. Mr Popular must be hungry."
"Hahaha, I am. After all the jokes, I need some energy to present them to you later. By the way, how's your sis?"
"She's fine? I mean I don't really know, but she's kinda like a introvert. Good thing she is in the middle school, where there isn't as much clinks as High school. Otherwise, she would be so lonely." I make a pout, showing how bad I feel towards Vil, if we both switch places.
"Really? What is the interval between you guys?"
"Two years, so she's 13 this year."
"Two huh, your mum sure can endure the pain. My mum took five years to rest, before having my little brother."
"You have a brother? 10 this year, so is he in middle school as well? I mean as middle school middle school."
"Hahaha, what I was trying to say is, whether if he is in this middle school. The one where we walk for 500m and we reached, the other side of this huge place."
"Ohhh. Ya, he is also in this place. My whole family immigrated from Taxes to Washington since my father wanted to stay with his second wife here. Leaving my mum at Texas to rest. In the cold graveyard." Bitterness and cold present in his voice.
His mum died, and his father remarried. While mine divorce.
"Sorry..." I kinda know his pain. It is somehow similar to mine. But probably worst.
"Nah, it's fine. It's been two years now. I am kinda used to it." He said, smiling.
"Speaking of your brother, what class is he in? Are you going to eat with him later? If yes, together? I mean ask your brother join us?"
"He's in Class Year8B I think. Can't really remember, and I thought you say we are going to eat together, since you are having your sis over and I have plans with my brother later. We are eating together yes? Me, my brother, you and your sister." He said.
"Sorry...in my country, siblings sometimes don't eat together. So I wanted to confirm."
"Nah, it's fine."
We chat all the way to the cafeteria, and I saw a girl about my height, with the dark blue backpack. Standing, looking around.
I walked towards Vil, "Hey, so how's class?"
"Um, great...who is he Lil?"
"Oh, he's Luke, my classmate from Texas, new guy. Same as me."
"Oh...hi." She replied, coldly and distant to Luke.
Vil is shy and very precaution towards strangers. She is kinda paranoid, afraid that people may kill us or kidnap us anytime. That is also the reason why we travel together, in the broad daylight.
"Hi! I'm Luke, you can call me anything you want. Your sis call me Mr Popular and comedian just now, so ya."
"By the way, Lil I gotta find my brother first, y'all just choose a table okay? I will meet up with y'all later." He says, and he start his search.
"Lil! How could you just eat and call him nicknames, when you guys just know each other in less than 5hours!" Vil say, her mother mode on.
"Chill Vil, you know your sis is a leader. Plus, he is a nice guy. I talked to him for a while, and he's not bad. He's funny and cute!"
"Ya, you say that like all the time. Anyways, he might be plotting a plan to kidnap you and sell you to some people who like Chinese! You cannot be so caught off the guard! You need to have some sense of self awareness."
"Ya ya ya. I know Vil, plus I learnt Karate before. You forgot? I also have the scissors with me. So chill. Okay. Let's talk about your school. What do you mean by great, do you make some friends?"
"Um...no...they are so different from my primary school and, I don't know if I'm over sensitive or what, but I feel like they are kinda avoiding me."
"Ah...ohhh right, what class are you in? Luke's younger brother is in Year8B you guys could be friends!"
"...I am also in Year8B...I...I will make friends with the girls Lil, the boys are different in America. I can't just make friends with them. What if they make out with me? You saw in the hallway. People kissing!"
"Okay, okay chill girl. Chill."
I turned to see Gig...running towards me, and attention on both of us. Damn it. Why does he have to be in the center of attention. Every. Single. Time! Ugh!
I turned to pretend I did not hear nor see him.
"Lil, how's your class?"
"Fine. I guess." I lied, actually is way better than fine. It's fun I would say. With the jokes of Luke, it is not possible to not feel fun.
Vil stares at me then at Gig, I can see her thinking about Gig like how he is a pervert or a popular guy who is trying to toy with her sister and dumped her later. Making me cry day and night. Her brows furrow.
"Lil is this your sis? You guys look so alike!"
"Ya, she's Vilna."
"Hey! You guys really do look alike. Though, Lil is more prettier. Vilna is towards the cute side ya."
Her brows furrow even deeper. Her dislike shown. She is my sister after all. How would she like one that I do not like. Maybe I did like him, he does have attractive physical traits but, other than that, and in particular, threatening or offering me a deal that is not to my liking. Just make impression marks drop.

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