The Basement

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I ran away. I ran away from her. Of all people, her. How could I do that? How could I run away when she is all I want?

I thought of her hair, near my nose, when we fell. It smells of flowers. It is not the strong, bold type. But a light, lively one. I am about at least 500m away from her. At the end of the school, going to the basement. But I swear, even though I am surrounded by my own sweat and heavy pants. I smelled those flowers. The scent, of her hair. The scent of Lil. It makes my stomach twist, the fact that I run away from her though I am so in love with her.

But, I know what will happen if just one, just one person saw me on her. They will attack her. Like how zombies would eat a living human being alive. It happened before. In the past, I could not save the other girls. But now, I can and I certainly will save Lil.
If it was not for that new boy, I would not have run. But at the same time, I would not see the other side of Lil, the scent of her hair, and her sister. It is not that bad, but then on the second though, I realised that the Texas boy also did. Except for the other side of Lil, that she is scared of the dark. Due to some reasons that I will find out. The scent...I am not so sure, if they are really that close like how Ron's picture showed, I think he did. They are so close...after all.

My thoughts went back to a hour ago, when Lil and me got separated due to our Science class. Her's Biology, mine Chemistry.
It was a few minutes before the teacher comes in, and my phone buzzes, and I saw the five texts in a row by Ron. I unlock it, and read.

Ron: Gig your girl is being stolen
Ron: The new boy is hitting her up
Ron: (picture)
Ron:See how close they are, laughing about like they know each other for days.
Ron: Dude, you okay?

I looked at the picture he sent me. Zoomed in on Lil's face. Her slight tan skin, with red vines shown on her pale cheeks.Her lips separated though it is connected at the sides, to a laugh. Near her, is the new boy from Texas. I want to stand up, go to the Biology class a few metres away from this class, to fight him. But I know better to let Lil be afraid of me. So I concentrated on her lovely face again.

I know this face. I recognise. Fell in love with it. How can she show it to him? Did I not show interest in her enough? I did as the book taught. I did as all those movies, magazines and what others say. Why does she not fall for me? Why can he makes her open up, while I cannot? The last though makes me angry. My heart ponding fast. Not because it is only 50minutes left, before I can see Lil. But it is because, I want to elbow him in the stomach. Make his body roll and crack as though they were weak branches.
I do not know why I have that violent part of me. I guess I cannot get rid of the blood that flows inside of me, no matter how much I detest it.

The bell rung, me and my gang go to the cafeteria. Ron told me that Lil and that new Texas boy went there. I shall see how you can win Lil, the girl I want, and will have.

It was too fast, just 1hour and 10mins, two periods, and they are already friends! Lil...Luke and...another Lil? No, no, it is not possible. I remember seeing one Lil with her family, at the "countryside" of Washington.

Family... about Lil's height... is she the girl in white shirt and jeans the other day? The one Lil is clinking arms with. Hmm. It must be her, Lil cannot be so close with a stranger. Though I must say she look so different, with her specs, hair tied the same way as Lil, sight difference in attire, and height. Wait...if that is Lil's sister, then Lil had introduced her family to Luke! I must do something!

So I waited, and waited till that Texas boy went away, I take my chance and talk to her. It was all going so well, till the lights went off, and Lil change. She was afraid, at first I thought it was just because of some stories, or that she is afraid that no one is with her in the dark, and some ghost might appear. You know like all those typical types of girls. However, it is different.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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