The Start of Everything

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"Girls, take care okay. If anything happens just call me. Have a good day and have fun!" Just like that, he gave us a hug instead, since we rejected his face kiss goodbye.
We walk to the school, and everything seems so...different. The school have aircon even in the hallway, their locker is much bigger than ours, basically the typically shit you see in the American movies. Though, I must say, the people here really are much more to my liking. Not conservative. Though Vil beside me, is getting uncomfortable as she sees couples french-kissing each other, in the hallway, in front of thousands of eyes. There is a mix of both upperclass and lower class though the place that we are now at is for the upper class.
Basically, David for convenience sake and for us to keep a look out for one another made us go to a school that is for both High School students and Middle School students. It's just a big place where it is separated into two, and guess what, it is expensive to come here, cause this is where the rich people kids come to so ya. David is rich.
"Hey Vil, I will go to my class ya"
"Okay, see you at lunch."
We nodded, and I walk towards class Year 1E. Surprisingly, students are separated into different classes, based on their elective, grades for form class. I guess I did kinda well since, I'm in E, second class. High school have classes D-G. While Middle school is from A-D, I wonder what class is Vil at.
I went in, and see eyes on me...instantly. People in clinks already. I guess it sucks when you are a Asian, Chinese(pure), and when this school is linked, there is clinks everywhere. For the benefits for the rich people kids, if they are in the same middle school before and they pass this certain marks, they got into High school. But, if you are not from the same middle school, the marks that you need to score is way higher, and the school fees are expensive as well. I am kinda glad that education in Singapore is good, otherwise, I wonder how much more David has to spend for us to get in.
I found a seat at the row that is beside the window. I walk towards the 3rd column, 5th row. Take the seat on the left, put the materials on the table, take out my ear pods and begin to sleep, rest.
The AirPods are unfamiliar, they are new ones, so is my white finish phone X in my pink comic case, and my phone number. Brought by David again, he insisted to give us some present and necessities and by necessities he meant by those tech I have, my own room, and a car. But, since I have not get my driving license or a permit, I rejected it. Though I must say it is damn cool to have a car of my own choice! He gave me a bunch of car magazines and said I can choose my own one!
Jeez, if it is dad, he would not give me those. He is always a economiser. The tech that me and Vil have is not considered as necessities to him.
"Having a phone is not necessary. During my time, we don't even have toys! Kids these days are so spoilt!"
These are his usual words.
I guess, it is not that bad. Mum have the man of her dreams, someone who will love her and her daughters. While my dad gets the freedom and pressure off his shoulders.
"You guys should grow up and go to work earlier. So that I don't need to take care of you guys and retire."
Those words are the reason why, I chose mum as well. Vil is confirm with mum, she is more...compatible with mum's personality. While mum and I are different. There is not a month where we will not fight. I guess that explains her expression when I followed her instead of dad.
"Gig! You are back!"
"Yo man."
"So how's the trip to New York? You skipped like 3 days of school for it."
"How's the babe?"
"Well, it's fine. Not really what I expected. She is more like one of those dirty ones that I always get."
They are so loud.
Then the bell rang.
I looked up, took one of my AirPods off, and a long blond hair, with black and white outfit teacher comes in.
"Gilbert , how good we are to have you back. Guess you know when to come back." She smiled, forced.
What a hard time for the teachers, since kids here are from rich families, she cannot exactly scold them or do something to them otherwise, she would lose her position. I pity her.
"Ya, nice to see you Ms Madness" he replied.
The whole class laughed. Even I chuckled.
Madness, interesting nickname.
Ms Madness face became red, her temper should come out anytime soon if she is in Singapore. Where we do not have these special treatments. At least I have not seen it.
"Gilbert, my name is Maddison. You can call me Ms Maddison or Ms Son."
"Okay, Ms Madness!" He shouted back.
Laughter rises.
I see where that nickname come from, Maddison, Madness. Sound about the same.
"...I know most of you is from our middle school, but there is some who are not. Miss Dawn, Mr Blake, would you like to introduce yourselves?"
I... did not expect a introduction coming...
I stand up, taking a deep breath and smile, "Thank you, Ms Madness, I mean Ms Maddison." I hate her.
I try to think about all the leadership workshops I attend when I was in my Secondary school.
"Hi, I am Lila...Dawn, I am from Singapore. Nice to meet y'all." I turned to the class, and said, with a big forced smile. I try to sound happy and enthusiastic though I am pretty sure I failed.
They look at me, like I was something new. A few nodded, some talk to each other, while some whistle.
I sat down, and the other new guy introduce himself.
"Hey, I'm Luke Blake, from Taxes. Hope we have a good time here. Oh ya, thanks Ms Madness for the warm welcome." He said, with a smile. He have this sun kissed skin, dark hazelnut short cut hair, he's about 5foot tall.
I guess, Americans don't really wear glasses.
Back in Singapore, students wearing glasses is not a rare sight. In fact, both me and Vil wear glasses, of a quite high degree, about 200degree each eye. But, David asked if we want contact lenses instead. We both wore it today.
Ms Madness must be furious at both us, she must never thought I or we would be so rebellious on our first day. Too bad, who told her to give me such a warm welcome. I must repay her.
"Thank you Lila and Luke. Gig why don't you seat beside Lila, she is new to the school after all."
Wtf? Why me? Why not Luke? He is a bad boy, from the look of it. Ugh I want a peaceful year! I am not exactly in the mood to deal with him.
Footsteps come closer to me, I am thankful of the AirPods that my hair covered, at least I have songs to accompany me.

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