Stupid Malfoy

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"This is- this is an outrage! A complete and utter outrage!" Draco sputtered, standing on the tips of his toes as he sneered in McGonagall's face.

"Thank you, Mr.Malfoy, for your opinion." She sniffed before taking a step back, "But it's hardly up to me what the sleep arrangements are. Perhaps you could talk to the students in your house that were the ones who set the Cobras free in the Slytherin Common Room? And ones brought up without conjuring, might I add." Her gaze sharpened on the flustered blonde before her, "I'd greatly appreciate it if you left my office and got settled in your temporary living arrangements- Merlin knows how long it's going to take Filch to handle those serpents."

Draco balled his fists up so tight his knuckles turned white, "My father-!"

"Will hear about this, I'm quite sure. Thank you, Mr.Malfoy. Good. Day."

With at flick of her wrist, Draco felt his feet slide back until he was just outside the door to her office. He opened his mouth to get one last remark in, before the door shut in front of his face.
He was fuming and wanted to plant his fist into something. He desperately wished Crab or Goyle were with him now so he could land a hit on one of their shoulders.
Unfortunately, they had been placed in the Hufflepuff dorms. They seemed to enjoy it there, much better than with Draco.
Finally with people at their same IQ... Draco thought bitterly.
He sank down against the wall outside McGonagall's office, his robe bunching up around his ankles as he sat down on the cold, stone floor, sinking his head into his hands.
Of course, of course. Of course he'd been part of the gang of Slytherins that were rooming with the Gryffindors.

"Merlin..." Draco groaned, rubbing his temples.

He'd have to constantly see Potter.
Stupid Potter.
Stupid Potter with his stupid broomstick and his stupid scar and stupid green eyes, stupid hair, blood beautiful the way his eyes match his hair, even more stupid, stupid pretty face-

Draco scowled, his face heating up.
He defaulted to hating Harry but now it just felt forced. Sure, there were plenty of things he could despise about Potter, but the things he could adore out-weighed what he could hate.

What was really killing him was the fact that his mood had been lifted at the idea of rooming with Harry. It frightened him primarily, he'd rather not have to confront this at all. However, it seemed like he would, with the darkening sky outside the halls, he'd have to be in the dorms soon. He knew the house elves had already delivered his luggage to the Gryffindor common room, if not the fifth years' boys' dorm.

He cupped his face in his hands with a groan. He wished he could go back to hating Harry but for Merlin's sake, how could he? It'd been going on for months now.
He wished it hadn't been Gryffindor that they'd been playing against that afternoon.

Three Months Ago

Draco grinned from where he balanced on his broomstick, waving to the crowd of Slytherins below. The game of Quidditch had begun around ten minutes ago and was going fairly slow, as Slytherin's Seeker, at least. Draco had yet to spot the Golden Snitch and therefor hadn't much to do but distract the other team, Gryffindor, or wave to the crowd like the spectacle he was- or, thought he was.
It wasn't until he heard an assortment of gasps and pointed fingers launch into the air that he turned around to see Potter perusing the small object. He glared with a grimace before launching his way in the other boy's direction.

Draco, with Harry not excepting his intrusion, caught up to the scarred boy in no time, hitting him with his broomstick to jostle him.

"Malfoy!" Harry growled as he went spiraling to the right before catching himself and speeding after Draco as the snitch continued higher and higher into the sky, both boys racing after it until they were in the clouds.

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