Foul Play

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Draco had, at first, been confused when Harry began flirting with him. He didn't understand why the other would- in no world did it seem like Harry flirting with Draco was a plausible outcome.
The worst part was that Draco had no idea how to flirt back. Every time Harry would say something one moment, he seemed to be gone the next.

For example:

"You know, you really do look stunning after practice." Harry sighed.

Draco stiffened up. He and Harry were the only ones currently located in the boys' locker room so he had to be talking to him- right?

"Yeah, I think your hair really frames your face quite, one might say." Harry hummed.

Draco refused to make eye-contact with the other- also refusing to change any article of clothing that was currently on him.

"It's really not your looks I've fallen for though," Harry murmured, leaning against the wall beside Draco, one made up of lockers, "It's the fact that your personality is just as stunning- even if you can be a prick sometimes."

This is when Draco's head shot up and he looked over to glare at Harry who was now looking in a mirror- or no, perhaps the mirror had always been there-

"Oh, hello, Malfoy." Harry didn't remove his gaze from the mirror more than to glance at Draco, "I didn't see you there, my apologies."

Draco blushes profusely before Harry strode out of the locker room.

How the hell was someone that smooth?


Harry wheezed as he made his way into the hall outside the lockers and collapsed against a wall where Hermione was waiting.

"So, how long did you last before stuttering this time?" Hermione looked slightly bored but was inwardly amused.

"Not at all this time, 'Mione!" Harry grinned.

"Did you try what I said or what-"

"What Ron said.." Harry muttered as if he should be ashamed.

Hermione sighed and slid down to sit beside Harry, "The mirror thing?" She seemed to cringe.

"The mirror thing..." Harry murmured.

"Just make a move, Harry- you know he won't." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"See, but that's the thing! I want him to be the first one to make a move- to show he actually...well, you know."

"Likes you?" Hermione looked unamused, "Really, Harry, is it that hard to say?"

"When referring to Draco, yes." Harry huffed.

"Speaking of referring to Draco," Hermione smirked.


Draco picked at his eggs with his fork. "Far too many eggs for his taste. And most of them about crispy. All I've since I came was this food here's name," He murmured quietly to the tune of Notes from Phantom, a muggle musical that Blaise had introduced him to. He now had the blasted song stuck in his head and-

"You have a nice voice," You could hear the grin in the voice that now sat beside Draco, causing the blonde to grip his fork tighter with surprise as he knew the owner of the voice was Harry.

"What the bloody hell are you doing at the Slytherin Table, Potter?" Draco's gaze flickered to his right so he could glare at a smug-looking Harry.

"Oh, come on now, Drake, Gryffindor won't miss me for a day." Harry began to place some bacon onto the plate in front of him.

Draco flinched at the nickname, "I beg your pardon-"

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