Expecto Patronus

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Draco scowled, chucking his wand forward onto the sand of the Black Lake and slamming his face in between his knees which were drawn to his chest with his arms. He glared down at it.

Everyone made conjuring a Patronus look so easy.
Yet here he was, having been attempting to conjure the spell for an hour a day for the past week and nothing. No more than a white spark and that was it.

It was becoming maddening. He rubbed his temples furiously before sighing and getting up, stalking over to where he'd thrown his wand only to find that it had disappeared. He fell to his knees and began to feel around in the sand, frantically searching for it, "No, no, no, no, no, no—" Draco's eyes widened as water touched his finger tips. His wand must have gotten swept out into the lake.
His throat grew tight at the thought.
He stood up quickly and began to take his sweater off.

"While it'd really be great if you continue- it's right here." A voice murmured from behind Draco, making him jump and spin around to see an amused Harry spinning his wand in his hand.

"Merlin- Potter, give me my wand." Draco crossed his arms.

Harry nodded and walked up to Draco, handing him his wand, handle side out.

Draco looked surprised at how easy that was and grabbed his wand- but Harry wouldn't let go.

"One condition," Harry hummed.

"Of course." Draco rolled his eyes with an unamused scowl.

"Let me help you conjure a Patronus." Harry smirked.

Draco's eyes widen and he sputtered, "H-How did you know I was-"

"You've been chucking your wand into the lake every day for the past week. You know, I usually come down here for some peace and quiet but this is the next best thing. That being said-"

"Being the savior, golden-boy your hero-complex is forcing you into helping me?" Draco dead-panned.

"Mm, yes, let's go with that." Harry let go of the wand and Draco yanked back to safety, twirling it quickly before holding it.

"And why should I let you help me?" Draco crossed his arms skeptically.

"Because you need to be able to cast the spell at the very least if you want to pass your NEWTs." Harry was already moving up the hill, "Come on, the water's going to hit you if you stay there for too long, even with your pants rolled up, and Merlin forbid Draco Malfoy gets his clothes soiled." He chuckled as he stopped where the sand met the grass, halfway up the hill before it sloped any higher.

Draco glared but didn't object for the moment, stopping beside Harry, "Alright, Golden-boy, what fantastic advice do you have for me now?"

"Well, do you even know the basis of casting a Patronus?" Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"Absurd! I didn't ask for-"

"It's an honest question. Do you?" Harry rocked back and forth from his heels to his toes.

Draco frowned, "It's a spell."

"Yes, but one unlike any other- it takes much more focus than, per say, Leviosa," Harry moved his wand easily and a small clod of dry sand lifted in the air.

"Well, now you're just showing of- YOU BASTARD!" Draco hissed as Harry sent the sand flying at him, dusting his hair to where he had to use his hands to brush it out, sending his hair flying every which way.

Harry chuckled in amusement before Draco glared at him and he shut up.

Draco sighed and shook his head a final time before running a hand through his hair and squinting menacingly at Harry, "I could easily leave-"

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