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"Look everyone she actually have niece clothes" Angel said pointing to me as I walked into the school

I rolled my eyes at her and headed to my locker

I saw imani standing in front of my locker I decided to walk up to her and jump her

"Booooo" I shouted as I was standing behind her

"What the fuck!!!" She shouted as she jumped

She looked at me asbo was trying to hold in my laugh but I couldn't and I started laughing at her

"You should of seen your face it was price less"

Oh Lord if bad eye could of killed someone would of been dead

I rolled my eyes at her and we both started laughing

"Let's get to class before we get into trouble" I said to mani

"Yh yh yh let's go" she said and we were of to maths class

"I really hate this subject" mani said to me and I rolled my eyes

"You hate it but yet you never fail at it always getting a 99/100 but yet yuh complaining"  I said to her just as Angel walked into class

"Well if it isn't the two losers your in my seat" Angel said with Katrina right behind her

"No were not this is our regular seat in maths"  I said to her she's short as hell but because shes head cheer leader she runs the school

"Angel do you really have to move them there seats over here too you know" Anthony said

I looked at him and he was sitting next to mani

I was about to tell Angel something again when mani hold my wrist

"The bitchs not wort the time breath nor energy let's just move" she said winking at me

"That's actually tru" I said to her as we got up to move

We went and sit to the front of the class

Our teacher put a lot of equations on the board

Mani was sleeping as she always does on every class

But the good think is her work was done and so was mine

Plus she doesn't get into trouble for sleeping in class she a straight A student and never miss school

I looked at my phone and it was 11:45 the bell was gonna ring in the next 15 minutes and I was happy it's my first and only class for the day

I had dance practice afterwards so I was happy I had less classes on a Monday

The bell rang and mani was still sleeping

I woke her up and we were about to leave the class when out teacher tops everyone to sit down

"Below your chair is a piece of paper some are blue and some are green if you have the green paper you have to remain in class for a next hour to catch up on some work that you'll need if you have the blue paper you may go"

We looked below or chair and we both had blue papers

We got up and left the class

We knew that Miss.Briwn always let us stay back to help her out and since were not in or correct seats Angel and Katrina will have to stay back instead God knows they need the extra lessons and I need to be in that dance studio in half an hour

"Hope you liked the seats" I said to Angel and Katrina on the way out of the class

Once out of class me and mani agreed to meet at my house

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